Mr Broken

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What romantic, super slushy plans have you got for Tae for the weekend Kookie?"

Jungkook stopped doing the rota and looked up at Nikki who was sitting at the bar enjoying a coffee.

"I've ordered him flowers, 12 roses for each month we've been together, I've booked a table at our favourite restaurant, ordered balloons and bought a whole new outfit including sexy lingerie"

"No way... oh my God... Kookie... wait... you've not done any of that have you?"

"Of course I haven't!"

"You are such an arsehole! have you done anything for your anniversary?"

"Yeah... I've remembered it" Jungkook winked and smirked while Nikki rolled her eyes and huffed.

Jungkook used to be romantic, used to buy gifts, leave little love notes, cook gourmet meals, run baths with rose petals in... but it's hard to be like that again when previously, all that effort had literally resulted in being cheated on. He had been so very happy, caught up in a love bubble, walking on air, butterflies in stomach... and it all came crashing down one Wednesday afternoon. Jungkook had the ring in his pocket, he'd planned what he was going to say, he had a basket of food including champagne and he had left work early to set the table up ready for when Yugyeom got home from work. The minute he walked through his front door he noticed the unfamiliar jacket on the floor, which he studied as he picked it up, even then he put it over the chair and went into the kitchen. As he laid the table he thought he heard a noise coming from the bathroom so went to investigate but there had been no one there. As he turned to leave he heard Yugyeom's voice coming from the bedroom and immediately Jungkook was elated! Maybe he'd finished work early to surprise him to? He rushed out of the bathroom and just as he was about to open his bedroom door, he heard another voice... he stood for a second with his ear against the door and was relieved when he realised it was BamBam, Yugyeoms best friend.

"Hey Yugs...." Jungkook said as he opened the door and was met with a sight he wouldn't have expected in a million years. Yugyeom was laying on top of a naked BamBam, kissing, both looking up sharply as Jungkook entered the room.

Jungkook froze on the spot, unable to process what he was seeing. He started trembling inside and he gripped the door frame for support as his vision started clouding over. He blinked a few times, hoping more than anything that he wasn't seeing what he was seeing but nothing could change what was right in front of him. His mind was a blur of situations, overheard conversations and occasions where his gut had warned him but he was so in love that he'd believed everything he was told and now it all made sense.

Jungkook had thrown them both out there and then and he'd left all of Yugyeoms belongings on the drive for him to collect. He spent days on Nikki's couch with a blanket over his head, only eating and drinking because Nikki had threatened to call an ambulance if he didn't. Nikki had hated seeing him like that and insisted that if he wasn't going to go back to his then he should just move in, which he did. Yugyeom had tried several times to contact him but Nikki had thrown water over him if he came to the flat and blocked his number on Jungkooks phone. It was months before Jungkook could go out, before he could get off the couch and shower. In the moment his world crashed around him, he vowed he would never love or trust again... then he met Taehyung.

"Kookie, please tell me that you are doing something for Tae? He really deserves it, mostly for putting up with your arse for a whole year!"

"If you love him so much, you do something for him"

"Stop it! Enough Kook! Tae is not Yugyeom! I know this is the first serious relationship you've had since Yugs but you've been with Tae a year! If I thought Tae would hurt you, I would have kicked his backside by now because I will never see you hurt like that again! Kookie... please don't lose the best thing to happen to you because of the actions of someone who wasn't worthy of your love" Nikki looked at Jungkook and sighed, eyes pleading with him to at least listen to what she was saying.

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