Mr Pure

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Jungkook was getting ready for work at the university bar, his second shift of the day. He had showered and was wandering around the flat with a towel around his waist. His flatmate Nikki was always moaning at him for it but that's only because she couldn't stand the perfection... or that's what he liked to think.

His phone beeped as he slipped the black skinny jeans over his muscular thighs and slender hips. It was a text from Nikki asking if he was going to be home this evening. He typed back a quick reply before putting on the crisp white shirt:

If I'm home do I get to watch?

What? No!

Boring! Don't lose the key to the handcuffs this time, I'm working.

You are a nightmare Kookie!

Let me know if Mr Mood wants any tips

Kookie!! Stop! Yoongi doesn't need any tips

Maybe he could give me some

Go away Kookie. See you tomorrow. MWAH!

Jungkook grinned, put his phone in his pocket and set off for work.

The bar was quiet when he arrived but he knew tonight would be busy because they had a band playing and they'd sold loads of tickets. The staff knew that Jungkook liked the bar to run like a well oiled machine and he'd chosen his most efficient staff for this evening. He couldn't be doing with people who didn't know what they were doing when the bar was heaving.

The evening was running smoothly and Jungkook had even managed 5 minutes to listen to the band who weren't as bad as he thought they were going to be. He did have to throw a couple of students out because they'd got out of hand thanks to the ridiculously priced drinks but that wasn't a problem since Jungkook worked out every day and was strong... lean... but strong.

He was refilling the optics when he noticed Taehyung in the mirror, stood at the bar. Jungkook wasn't expecting to see him tonight so it was a pleasant surprise. They had been sort of seeing each other for about 4 weeks and Jungkook was constantly in a state of arousal. Meeting up at the bar had been a regular occurrence, Taehyung always looked good, his bright, pillar box red hair framed his lightly tanned face. Tonight he stood at the bar in an oversized grey sweater and black skinny jeans, Jungkook could feel his cock twitch as Taehyung leant forward to order a drink.

"What can I get you?"
(Naked, I want to get you naked!)

"What's on offer?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow and grinned... (what a tease)

"Are we still talking about drinks?"

"Of course"
(Damn it!)

Jungkook reeled off some drinks and poured the drink he wanted. This sexual tension was not something he was used to. He really liked Taehyung so had been on his best behaviour but he felt like a coiled spring which was magnified by the fact that Taehyung seemed to enjoy being a big prick tease, except when it was just the two of them when he was much more shy.

At the end of the night, everyone had gone home and Taehyung had offered to stay behind and give Jungkook a hand to clear up. There wasn't much left to do since the bar staff had done most of it and the cleaners would be in, in the morning. They sat at a table as they finished their drinks and Jungkook was relieved to be sitting down finally.

"It seemed to go well tonight?" Taehyung's speech was slurred thanks to the cocktails.

"Yeah it did go well. I wasn't expecting to see you tonight"

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