Mr Bashful

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Jimin was standing in his room looking through his wardrobe choosing what to wear, he hated having to make a decision on his own when his boyfriend was usually so good at choosing outfits. He thought YoungJae would have arrived by now but he was running late so the fashion decision was his, unless he could hold out until YoungJae turned up.

"Chimmy? Chimmy? Hellooooo?" YoungJae's voice walking towards the bedroom startled Jimin who was lost in thought.

"Hello to you too" Jimin greeted his boyfriend with a big smile as YoungJae gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"It's a bloody good job you gave me a key or I'd have been stood on the doorstep for ages. What were you deep in thought about?"

"Blue or pink?"


"Shirt... I'm deciding what to wear today"

"You'll need to change into the lightwash jeans and change your footwear" YoungJae moved Jimin to one side and in a flash, pulled out a t-shirt and a yellow hoodie.

"See? This is why I need you in my life"

"What... so I can dress you? Is that all you need me for?" YoungJae pulled Jimin to him and licked his nose, feeling the bulge between his legs with one of his hands and squeezing gently causing Jimin to gasp.

"Since you put it like that, there may be other reasons" Jimin grinned.

Jimin and YoungJae were meeting Jungkook and Taehyung at the fair. Taehyung had been keen to get Jungkook and Jimin together since their first meeting did not go so well. He was extremely excited when he saw posters for the fair in town so thought it would be the ideal opportunity and he knew both Jungkook and Jimin loved the waltzers. Jungkook, on the other hand was not so thrilled, his insecurities bubbling under the surface, culminating in a knotting feeling in his stomach every time Jimin's name was mentioned.

Jimin was convinced that Jungkook hated him and he had phoned Taehyung yesterday to ask if there was a particular colour Jungkook didn't like so he could avoid it when deciding what to wear. Jimin thought this was a perfectly logical thing to ask but was met with hysterical laughter from Taehyung at the end of the phone. Jimin was desperate to make a good impression because he loved Taehyung. 

Nowadays it was just in a friendship, brotherly bond sort of way, even if at one stage in his life he had wanted to be his boyfriend. Jimin spent hours daydreaming about Taehyung, he would stare out of the window at school, imagining how it would feel to kiss him, to feel his hands running up and down his cock, to taste him, to feel the delicious pressure as he entered him whilst staring into those gorgeous brown eyes. They had kissed, once, at a party. It was a dare and they'd had a lot of soju but Jimin had consciously enjoyed every second and been desperate to repeat it. He'd had so many opportunities, particularly while watching anime together, Taehyung would always rest his head on Jimins lap as they shared popcorn. So many times, Taehyung had fallen asleep and Jimin had spent ages watching him sleep, stroking his soft skin and shiny hair, tempted to kiss him, caress more than just his face... but Jimin's lack of courage meant he never did. 

Moving away to study was the best thing for Jimin because he had no choice but to move on and stop fantasising over Taeyhung. They would speak on the phone or Skype once a fortnight and it was when Jimin had met Younjae that finally he had stopped daydreaming about Taehyung. Jimin had been so pleased for Taehyung when he told him about Jungkook and was really looking forward to meeting the man that was making him so happy, with perhaps the slightest pang of jealousy that Jungkook had what Jimin had never been brave enough to have.

"Are you sure I look okay?"

"Chimmy, I chose your hoodie because it goes perfectly with your blonde hair. Had you still had the pink hair then I'd have chosen a different hoodie. You look edible... more than okay... not that I want either of them to think you're edible when they see you"

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