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MUST READ: Hello! I'm sorry I screwed up the last chapter. Basically, Mayu (Hina's sister) hung out with Sylvie and Coco too at dinner. Mayu and Sylvie both go to University so they got along good.

"RIsE aNd sHine"!
Ugh my sister uses that Kylie Jenner quote.
"Im already up stupid".

I lay in my bed facing the giant window, scolling on my phone.

"Breakfast time", my sister claps her hands.

"I'll be there", I shop her away.

I walk through the new hallways and scents of the new house. The house is empty since we just moved. We did bring practically all of our clothes in our suitcases.

     My mom made miso soup and rice. Yes! It's my favourite type of brekky. Cereal? Who's that.

"We're going to the mall today", mom says.

"Okay", my sister and I say in unison.

I love shopping.

A notification pops up on my phone screen.

Ruel Van Dijk (I haven't changed his Snapchat name yet)
Do you skateboard?

I open my phone.

Yeah why?

Ruel Van Dijk
Are you free today? We can go to the skatepark

I'm going shopping in about an hour. I'll probably be back at 3. So yes only if it's possible for you :)

Okay! I'll pick u up at 4. Ttyl :)

C ya!

I close my phone. Yay! I'm making a friend. I have Coco and Sylvie's numbers btw. Coco and I have been talking a bit.

We've just got back from shopping. I got a lot of cute bikinis and clothes.

I start getting ready.
I slip on my favourite Rolla's Sailor Jeans

I slip on my favourite Rolla's Sailor Jeans

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I pair these with a Golf Wang hoodie.

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I Don't Fit In~ Ruel Van DijkWhere stories live. Discover now