Chapter Fourteen

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***semi-explicit warning***
Gianni Michaels

I bit my lip as she pulled me into her hotel room.

She had low music playing in the background with the lights dimmed.

The song turned me on even more as I heard, "Let's take off the top go hit the club. Do you know it feels like to fall in love." Playing softly

She grabbed me by my hoodie and flung me onto the bed.

In the back of my mind I knew it was wrong. But it just felt so right.

Her soft hands gripped my face as she whispered "mine." Seductively in my ear, biting it slightly.

She continued to be in control, roaming my body, intimately.

So many hours passed as our bodies moved together creating a memorable night.

After wards a heavy guilty feeling formed in my chest. I knew cheating was wrong. And sadly it wasn't the first time I cheated on Meilani. From the first day I met her I continued to see my baby mama Destini.

After meeting Meilani I tried to distance myself from Destini, but I just couldn't. And I was afraid to tell Meilani about my two year old daughter Kehlani. I feared that she would leave me immediately. So instead I played with both girls and strung them along to keep myself satisfied.

In a way I had the best of both worlds, but it was hard to keep the girls apart.

The trip to Hawaii was a total fumble on my end. Bringing both girls was never the plan. Before I met Meilani, Destini and I planned the trip together. But when Meilani came into the picture I found it difficult to get away from her. And when she found out I was going to Hawaii she immediately wanted to go also. But, I made sure that the girls had hotel rooms far away from each other , and I was certain that they took separate flights.

I honestly don't know how long I can keep the act up. But the last thing I want to do is cause an issue so bad that I can't see my daughter.

Feeding both of the girls lies daily was tiring. It was so hard keeping my story straight and remember who I told what to. At times I feel like Destini catches on to me. But she never says a word regarding cheating. And quite frankly she has no room to ask questions, because we aren't together. We just have a toxic tug of war relationship.

Sooner or later I'll have to completely move on, but she'll always be in my life.

Pulling me out of my thoughts she got behind me in the bed and started rubbing my back. My eyes closed in response to her touch.

"So why can't you stay with me in my room." She said close to my ear.

"I told you I booked a separate room when we got in the argument last week." I responded back with

"I thought you bought the room weeks ago." She stated

"Well I did but I found a better room and I wanted that instead."

"Mhm so let's save money and share."

"No, Des. We are not sharing." I said sternly

She smacked me on my back and said "Man forget you then."

"Babe don't be like that." I said surrendering

"Nah, you don't want to be in my room? Then get out then." She yelled back

"But I'm not fully dressed."

"Man I do not care. You could leave the room with your ass out for all I care. I'm sick of you get out my face fool." She said throwing my shoes and clothes at the door

I didn't move a muscle which made her even more mad. "I said get out. There's the door! Do I gotta show you how to walk through it lil stupid ah." Her southern accent was strong as she screamed loudly in my face.

Finally I decided enough was enough, and exited the room with only sweat pants. My hoodie drooped over my arm as I made my way to the elevator.

I just hoped Meilani was sleep. I don't need anymore unnecessary drama right now. I haven't slept in days, due to spending nights at both girls' houses. I can't even remember the last time I entered my own house.

Finally making it to our hotel room, I noticed that she was turned over on her side. And I assumed that she was asleep. Something felt off about the room, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something was definitely missing, but I couldn't remember what it was.

Ignoring my thoughts, I slid into the bed with Meilani and wrapped my arms around her as if I was there the whole night.

Closing my eyes, I finally rested peacefully.

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