Chapter Eighteen

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Meilani Marie

"Wait what... that can't be" I said speechless

She weeped loudly trying to catch her breath, "it's true I got tested at a clinic today. And my parents kicked me out and want nothing to do with me. I have no where to go and no one to talk to. I know I've made a mistake and you have every right to be upset, but please Mei forgive. Atleast for the sake of my baby."

Just the thought of her struggling made me push away and animosity I had towards her. She needs me and I'll always jump to save her. Even though she did me dirty.

"Listen, I'm in Hawaii right now. So I can't come get you. I'm going to get on the first available plane. You know I keep the spare key under inside the flower pot on my porch. Make yourself at home until I get there. But no guests Melody, I mean it. I don't want anyone in my house other than you." I said sternly stressing the no guests rule. She has a history of violating people's personal space and inviting unwanted company. And since I'm not going to be there, I'll be sure to check the house cameras.

"Thank you so much Meilani. You don't know how much this means to me."

"yeah I know it means a lot but that doesn't mean we're gonna kiss and make up. You missed months in my life Melody. You can't just pop back and think we're going to be besties. I'm merely giving you shelter, don't think about it too much." I said

"Yeah I understand. And I'll explain everything when you get here. Hopefully it's soon."

I hung up on her not even responding to her last statement.

I pinched my nose out of stress. I swear my life is like a teenage drama. Or more like a hood ass drama. 

Shaking my head, I rummaged through my suite case for my laptop.

Once I found it I immediately searched up the soonest flights back home .

Luckily there was a plane taking off  in one hour and the resort hotel I'm at is five minutes from it.

I quickly packed all of my belongings and ubered to the airport.

Only a few minutes passed in the car before I arrived at the airport.

I took a minute to hurt appreciate how beautiful the scenery was. Even the airport was gorgeous.

Snapping out of my trance, I preceded into the airport and asked a worker, behind one of the many desks, where my terminal was.

Luckily I was close to it and I didn't have to walk far.

I headed straight to it, ignoring my surroundings.

That was until I heard a deep voice say, "Meilani!"

I took a deep breath knowing exactly who it was.

Turning around hesitantly, I eyed the person up and down.

Of course I would run into Gianni as tried to escape this stupid vacation.

"what do you want?" I asked as I boarded the plane. I was already fed up with him and the conversation just started. And it's no better that he's on my flight. Hopefully he's far far away from me.

"I want to apologize and explain everything." He said with a longing tone in his voice.

"I don't want to hear some empty apology I'm over it. You cheated on my successfully congratulations! I hope your happy now with your  broken nose hoe. Next time cheat with someone who can fight."

And with that I being said, I sat in my seat and ignored his presence.

His shoulders drooped as he walked to his seat at the back of the plane. There was enough comfortable space between us luckily. I sat in the front and he was in the very back near the bathrooms. Which is so funny because every time someone uses the bathroom he'll be the first person to smell it.

Karma is one stinky bitch, aint she?

This was the longest plane ride I've ever been on.

And I couldn't help but glance at Gianni every once in a while. We continued to lock eyes, and I could feel his remorse by just simply looking at him.

The plane finally landed and I stood up to get my carry on bag. But the shelf was too high, and I struggled to reach it.

Then suddenly I saw a brown skin arm reach up and grab my bag for me.

I grabbed the bag and looked at him in awe. He was the most handsome man I've seen in a while. I've never seen brown eyes look so flattering. He had a bright smile and a bomb haircut. And I couldn't help but notice the muscles bulging from under his shirt.

"Umm..thank you so much..." I said trailing off still mesmerized looking at him

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm James by the way."

"I'm Meilani, and it's nice to meet you. I never really encounter polite people honestly. And it's ashame."

"I feel you, some guys just don't know how to be gentlemen." He said

I smirked hard at Gianni , knowing that he could hear every word that was said.

His face looked so sour, it just brightened my mood so much.

Stepping off the plane and walking into the airport James stayed by my side and I didn't mind it at all. We talked about random stuff until we grabbed our luggage. And when we got there he asked for my phone number.

"Hey look I really Hope I can see you again, if you don't mind I'd like to give you my number." He said nervously

I giggled lightly and we exchanged phones.

And before we parted ways, we hugged and Gianni growled at the sight from far away.

I truly did get pleasure out of seeing him angry and uncomfortable. Which is exactly how I felt. All I can say is, it's karma.

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