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^ IV Jay little brother in media

We was at the trap and I decided to call IV and tell her the news.

IV: Hello who's this

Me: this is Myah from A&D Records I say

IV: oh hey wassup

Me: nothing much hanging with some friends  I just want to ask you what times and dates your free to record I say And she screamed

IV: OMG I'm signed

me: yes just tell me when your ready to make a deal

IV: I'm free tomorrow I jus have to bring my brother

Me: pleas not the older one he's so flirtatious it's annoying at first I was flattered but then it got annoying fast I say then she starts laughing

IV: no I don't have to bring the older boys just Jordan she says

Me: OMG my little friend he can come any time but anyway I have to go I'm about to head home I say

IV: ok I'll let you go bye she said and I hung up

I got home to my 4.3 million dollar mansion and went up stairs to my tub I ran my bath water and put bath bombs and bubbles in it once the tub was full I pored some wine and got in. I know it's not legal for me to drink yet but I make my own wine so no one sells it to me and I don't get drunk off of it. And plus I need this. After I was in the tub for a while I heard the door open so I hop up dry off put on under ware and a sports bra with black shorts ten go out with my gun In my hand I walked in the kitchen and some was in the fridge

Me: put yah hands up I say

Lemire: damn ma I you ganna shoot yah own seed like that

Me: boy you almost got yo head blown off yo shoulders why ain't you say I'm home when you walked in I say putting the gun on the glass island

Mire Mire: because I ain't see up car out side he said walking in the living room playing GTA 5

Me: it's in the Garage for the first time in I don't know when I say

Mire Mire: Ma can my friends come over Friday and spend the night

Me: why can't you go over they house

Mire Mire: cause they mom ain't pay the cable or Wi-Fi bill he said and I start laughing

Me: yah but I got to do my research first

Mire Mire: ok tell my tomorrow

Me: wait you been to work this week I asked

Mire Mire: yah I went Monday and Tuesday after school he said

Me: alright pick 2 more days to work and you'll be set for this week I say

Lemire and Kareem is my most trusted men they don't do no heavy shit cause I care about them they guard the traps and make sure all my money's in. After me and Mire Mire finished talking I went to bed.

Next day


Hey guys my name is IV Jay but people call me IV or Jay. I know Da'myah is my sister thats the reason I reached out to Antwon so we could build a bond. I know my dad was messed up for abandoning her. I didn't find out I had a sister until my 17th birthday party and my dad was drunk and told me and my brother it they don't know it's Myah. My two older brothers are not my dad's sons but he took them in as his own.

I got to the office and buzzed Myah's office.

Myah: this is Myah how may I help you

Me: hey Myah it's IV

Myah: ok come on up she says buzzing is in

Myah: hey guys how you doing come in my office she said leading us to her office

Me: I like how decorated in here I said

Myah: thank you she says sitting down

Jordan: can I have goldfish some one forgot to pack my snack again he said looking at me

Myah: sure you remember were they are and today I got gram crackers  to so grab one of those to she says I can see they're ganna have a good relationship.

Me: ok so what do you have in mind

Myah: well since your only 17 your mom or dad has to be here to sign anything and you might want a lawyer present to. So we can reschedule any time your parents are free she said

Once I went to say something my phone rang and

Me: Hello

Person: Hello this is Jarrod mother he just got into a bad car accident and he might not make it she said sniffing

Me: OMG I'm on my way what hospital

Her: St. Lukes she said

If y'all are wondering Jarrod isn't my boyfriend he's my best friend and Ex

Me: umm omg I have to go but I can't who's ganna watch Jordan

Myah: it's ok go ill watch him it sounds like a emergency

Me: OMG thank you so much i say running out not carrying about the disguise

Da'myah POV

Ok so IV had a emergency so I'm watching Jordan and this kid gets bored fast he's just like I think he got ADHD like me.

Jordan: I think it's time for me to take my medicine

Me: we're is it and what is it for I ask

Jordan: my ADHD and I think IV took it it's in her purse he said I new he had ADHD it runs on my dad's side of the family

Me: OMG what do I do I said the pills I take are to strong for this little boy but if I drain his energy he'll go to sleep I think to my self

Jordan: what you thinking about I'm bored can we go make music or prank call people or get some pizza and candy

Me: how about we go to the park it's right down the street I say

Jordan: ok race you to the door he said running

Me: only if we had his pills I said

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