todays the day 30

18 1 0

Glow worm POV

Hey y'all my name is Jordan I'm 19 years old I'm studying to be a needle nadle nurse.  Right now I'm single but I been talking to this guy he's really sweet and laid back. He's 20 but it ain't a crime so we good. I'm originally from Newburgh not but I moved to Florida to attend Florida state university but I'm thinking about transferring to my back up school here in Newburgh Mount Saint  Marries Collage. I like it here all my family and friends are here. But right now I'm out with Myah getting stuff for the babies room.

Me: what we need child safety guards for they bump they head they get back up I said and she shook her head.

Myah: my kids is not coming out like you she said and turned down the aisle of baby clothes and we seen these shirts.

Me: Oh my god this is so cute  we gotta get it I said showing her the shirts that said "my brothers keeper" and " my sister's

Myah: that is too big for them maybe for King and Shania but not the babies she said looking for the right size.

Me: you always shooting down my dreams I said pushing the buggy.

Myah: wait you walking to fast she said trying to catch up with me.

Me: ok so I been thinking about moving back up here and going to the Mount I said and she looked at me

Myah: dead ass? She asked

Me: dead ass i said smiling

Myah: why you almost done with school she said

Me: the person I been seeing lives up here my friend and family live up here what happens if some gets hurt and I have to catch a 4 hour bus ride or 1 1/2 plane ride I said and she nodded

Myah: what about work, you got a job up here she asks

Me: not now but I can find one I said

Myah: look, there is a job at my office you answer the phone and let people in based on if they have a appointment or not but you got to impress my stubborn ass partner he ain't easy to please she said and I went in the self check out line

Me: that's why you my bitch you always got a nigga back I said hugging.her

Myah: mhmm

I start scanning the stuff and Myah had a funny face.

Me: you good sis I asked

Myah: yah imma sit down she said going to the bench

I finished scanning the stuff and went over to her

Me: bitch you sure you ok I asked

Myah: yah the babies just kicking me she said and she grabbed the buggy to get up and she was walking funny. Next thing I know this bitch peed on her self.

Me: bitch you nasty I know you gotta weak bladder but that's a lot of pee I said looking at her

Myah: bitch it ain't pee my water broke she said and I was in total shock

Myah's POV

We was leaving Target and I felt something get slip down my leg but I ain't pay it attention since it was hot today. When this dumb bitch Jordan say I peed myself so I look down.

Me: bitch it ain't pee my water broke I said and this bitch froze completely

JJ: umm ..... ahh .... umm ...what I do she asked shaking

Me: first calm down and then call my doctor I'm ganna have Shawn meet us at the hospital I said giving her my doctors number then face timing Shawn

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