Parents to todlers 27

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^^Hendricks and Harmony in media

Myah's POV

Ok so its a couple days till the gender reveal and I'm so excited. And today we are doing the parents for 24 hours challenge but I think we're gonna do ok cause we're already parents. The babies we are ganna have is Hendricks and Harmony they are Shawn's cousins babies the 2 cousins are twins but neither had twins so we ganna snatch up they 1 and 1 and a half year old babies.

Me: babe when are we picking them up I asked

Shawn: 10:30 why he asked

Me: it's 9:57 right now get up I said throwing something at him.

Shawn: ok I'm up he.said the game

We got our stuff and got in the jeep because we have car seats and in the drop God it isn't very safe.

We pulled up to the house they share and get out the car. I ring the doorbell and a teenage boy asked who it was.

Shawn: it's me Amarion he said and the boy opens the door.

Amarion: hey Shawn what's good he asked

Shawn: chilling can we come in he asked

Amarion: yah come in who's this beautiful women he asked looking at me

Shawn: taken and pregnant with my babies he said and pushed him

Me: Shawn... Are you ok I asked the boy

Amarion: yah I'm a man he said and I smiled 

We went in the living room and the babies were taking a nap and looked so peaceful.

Me: are they always like this I asked  Shawn cousin Sky

Sky: hell no they run around all day we just got them to calm down. She said and I wanted to cry.

Me: are you sure I asked and she laughed

Sky: ok so they are breakfast already so lunch is at 12:30 then dinner is at 6:00 snack is at 3:00 and if they wake up during the night either change them give it give them their extra bottle she said

Me: they don't eat table food yet I asked

Sky: they eat chicken nuggets fries and other soft stuff like mashed potatoes she said

Me: they can't eat cheese doodles I asked

Sky: yes they can and that reminds me Harmony is allergic to blueberry and Hendricks is allergic to mangoes she said and I nodded

Me: ok anything else we should know any body has asthma or anything like that I asked

Sky: umm Harmony just got over a summer cold so she may snore a little she said and Shawn put the strollers and car seats in the car now we're on our way to the store.

We got the babies in the car and I have their bag and we just pulled up to save a lot.

Me: what do we need I asked

Shawn: first we need child safety guards then we need a table for them to sit at and that's it. King needs something to eat to he

said and I nodded.

We finished up at save a lot and headed home.

We made it home and settled in when I realized that they don't have a play pin or bassinet to sleep in.

Me: bea can you go to target I asked

Shawn: yah what you need he asked.

Me: a bassinet I said and he squinted at me

Shawn: what is that he asked

Me: a play pin I said

Shawn: oh sent me a picture of one he said grabbing his car keys and I sent a pic.

While Shawn is gone I want to see if I could take a nap so I got the children and headed upstairs.

I laid them down then got in the bed myself. Once I was nodding off a baby start crying so I sat up.

Me: what's wrong I asked him

Hendricks: mamamama  *cry*

Me: we only have......19 hours left longer.than what I thought but it's ok baby I said rocking him and he start to slowly drift off. Then he was sleep. And I laid down when I felt a tap and I just ignored it then one of my eyes opened.

Harmony: eat eat eat eat she said so I got up got the babies and went down stairs. When I got down stairs I have them some cheese doodles and Apple juice.

When they were done with their snack I put them in my bed and they fell asleep together. I put pillows in the middle and the side of them so they won't fall off the bed.

Once I was settled down my phone rang. It was Antwon.

Phone convo

Me: hello I said.

Ant: can you come in we got a thing he said

Me: I have to wait till Shawn gets back but yah I said

Ant: thank you so much he said

End of phone convo

A few minutes later Shawn came back with a already but together bassinet.

Me: where your get that from I asked

Shawn: I couldn't find one at target but I went to star and sky house he said pushing it in the room. Once everything is settled I put the babies in the bassinet.

Me: I have to go to the office Antwon just called me and said something came up I said getting ready.

Shawn: ok we good here he said laying on the bed

Me: ok call me if you need or want anything while I'm out. I said putting on my pink jacket .

( Myah's outfit)

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( Myah's outfit)

I walked to the elevator and went to the garage.

When I made it down there I got in the jeep and drove to the office.

30 minutes later

I made it to the office and went upstairs into Antwons office

Me: what's  wrong is everything ok. I asked

Ant: ok so you know how we trying to get another location in Jackson he asked

Me: yah but they said someone had to be down there to handle legal actions I said

Ant: I have a cousin that is good with music and is looking for a job I didn't ask him yet cause I wanted to get your input first. He said looking at me.

Me: what are you waiting for ask him we got the building we got people that are from down there and are willing to go back so let's get it I said happy.

We stuck around talking about the detail and stuff that we wanted to do down there and projects we wanted to do over the summer.

A/N: Pretty boring chapter but it's something

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