Chapter 3

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"Hey! Lilac come play!" I whirled around. Willow stood there, eyes shining hand outstretched. I smiled and started to cry. I reached out my hand to grab hers, but they were quicker. Out of the dark water, hands rose. Thousands of hands, millions of hands, infinite hands, all reaching for my light. As they grabbed onto her I tried to reach out and pull Willow away, but I was stuck, the water was sticking to my shoes. Willow was slowly being dragged under the water.
"WILLOW!" I screamed out desperately, but something about Willow's face stopped me. Willow was still smiling, blissfully unaware of her impending doom. I screamed and yelled but nothing made Willow stop from being dragged away.
Willow had fully disappeared now under the dark water. I sit still alone in the dark room. Willow's endless smile reverberates in the back of my head. I feel something on my back and I look behind me. A hand grabs onto my shirt.
A single scream escapes my mouth before the hands drag me under the dark water. The water under the surface is tranquil. The light slowly fades and in its place is a terrible demonic figure. I want to scream for help but instead, the figure opens its mouth and-
I wake up in a frenzied hysteria. This room I don't recognize but I feel slightly comforted by the warm white walls, the fluffy blankets, and the cute decor. I'd assume this room belongs to either a girl who loves cute things or a sensitive boy who loves the fine arts.
I carefully open the door and the warm air of the apartment relieves me from my nightmare. I wandered out into the small flat. "Oh! You're awake!" called a tall, African American chubby teen, 17 I think, wearing a green shirt and athletic shorts, what really confuses me is the pink frilly apron he is wearing.
"Um, who are you and where am I?" I ask impatiently, I want to get back on my quest. "You don't remember what happened?" he asks "Well sit down and we'll chat, I made soup, I'm not that great at cooking but I hope it tastes good." We make our way to a small table placed in the corner, I sit looking down at the hot soup. I was really hungry so I ate it rather quickly.
"So what happened last night?" I question between mouthfuls.
"Well, I kinda found you passed out in the snow . . . " The memories of the previous night hit me like a tidal wave. I had finally found it the city where Daemon lived after one long year. But I was cold, so very cold. The snow was like a blanket wrapping around trying to protect me from the harsh winds in the dead of winter. " . . . And after I found you I knew you needed to get warm fast so I took you to my home wrapped you up in blankets and turned up the heater." The man said softly. I nodded, "By the way, I know what I did is kinda like kidnapping but, when I see people in need I just feel I need to help and I just felt like meeting you was fate, you know? But please just don't like report me to the police please I would get kicked off the football team and probably not be able to keep or get a job. Also, I just realized you don't know my name and I don't know yours, Ah I'm sorry for rambling on . . ."
"Lilac," I said matter-of-factly "Lilac Nanami is my name." I look at him expecting him to question me some more.
"Cool name! My name is Liam, Liam Williamson. And hey, wasn't Nanami the last name of the girl who went missing three years ago whose father was convicted?"
"I sigh, "Yeah, she was my sister. But she is still alive and I know who kidnapped her, so I'm going to leave now. Thanks for your kindness, hospitality, and food but I need to go save someone." I turn to leave but Liam takes my arm.
"Sorry to bother you but, I think I can help you. I can help protect you. You said you found who kidnapped your sister and if he kidnapped her he is probably really strong so I doubt you'll stand a chance against them. But with me there we can fight them off, I am a pretty good Football player if I do say so myself!" He stands up and tries to look strong and confident but that frilly pink apron is really throwing off this display.
"No." I try and walk away again. "Please, I need to go with you! I can protect you! It's fate we met! I know it. And I can bring food and water and protection. I won't let you get hurt anymore, I won't let anyone else die on my watch!" I see a few cracks in his smile on that last statement.
"What . . . do you mean, anyone else?" I ask bewildered, at this weird sentiment.
"I'm sorry about that, I just need to go with you please."
"Ugh, ok fine just don't get in my way." Liam smiled and started packing up his things. Then we set off on our journey.

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