twenty three

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Attempting to tell Jin his secret before chickening out had become a repeated recurrence.

Namjoon had been trying to find "the right time", but could never follow through. He'd start to explain and then bail, or they'd get interrupted by someone or something.

Maybe next time, he would tell himself over and over again.

Jin clearly knew something was up. But, he didn't want to push it.

After all, Namjoon was the perfect boyfriend, and he himself had told Jin that it wasn't a big deal. Jin trusted Namjoon. The teenager had been through so much, Jin knew that the only way he'd know what Namjoon was trying to say was by giving him time.

If the younger thought he didn't need to know, Jin wasn't going to push him.

That being said, it didn't make him any less wary of Namjoon's mysterious ways. Even though they were almost always together and talked about everything, Jin often felt like Namjoon was hiding some kind of secret from him. That there was something he didn't know.


"Hey, Jae-Jae. Don't be mad, but me and Uncle Tae ate all of your candy," Namjoon brought out the now empty pumpkin bucket from behind his back to show the child.

The boy, crouched at the coffee table, coloring his Paw Patrol coloring book, stopped mid-stroke when he heard his father.

Young-Jae was silent as he simply stared at the bucket that once held all his hard-earned candy, his hand not moving, his eyes not blinking, no expression on his face.

In an instant, his eyes began to well up with tears, his face contorting into one of sadness.

"Daddddy! Nooo!" he wailed, standing abruptly and grabbing the bucket sadly, as he looked in it for any remnants. "Why you do dat! Did you get a bad gwade on a test? Awle you sad?" he cried out, upset, but clearly concerned about why his daddy ate all the candy.

Taehyung stood behind the wall with his phone, trying not to crack up at the scene unfolding.

Namjoon tried to keep a straight face as he lifted the wailing little boy onto the couch.

"Um, n-no, baby. Me and Taehyung just wanted to eat it," he said, trying not to laugh.

That only made the boy cry harder.

"B-but why? Why Daddy? Why? I didn't eat any! Awle you okay?" he sounded incredibly distraught, but Namjoon couldn't help but start laughing.

It was just too precious.

"No, me and Taehyung were just hungry," he watched as the little boy clutched onto the pumpkin with both hands, his little legs dangling over the side of the couch, as he cried.

"But I didn't eat it! I work hard to get candy! I falled on my face and got a boo boooo!" he cried out.

Namjoon couldn't take it anymore, he got off the couch and crouched down to hug the little boy.

"I'm joking! I'm joking. Me and Taehyung didn't eat it, oh, I'm sorry. It's just a joke," he said as Taehyung appeared from behind the wall, falling to his knees in laughter.

The little boy's cries became softer, and pretty soon he was just sniffling. He looked at the empty bucket in his hands, and up to his father, eyes wet and glistening.

"You didn't eat it?" he said, with the cutest pout and watery puppy dog-like eyes.

"No, baby. It was a joke. Sorry," Namjoon said, petting his son's hair.

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