Chapter 8

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"First Impressions"

    Within the calm and all too blissful surroundings upon us, we eventually drifted off into step. Two distinct figures: a detective in her white sundress that fluxes with the warm wind every few minutes - and the tall and mysterious gang leader that only walks in all black with ink pervading across his tan skin.

I don't know what to say to him, from the terms that we left off on. Quite frankly, I don't even fully know him. Yet.

Walking amongst the cemented path that vastly curves around the pond, my blue-green eyes settle on Rio's. His hand's are planted in the pocket of his hoodie - his dark brown eyes not meeting mine.

"You're not hot?" I toss the question at him with disbelief, next to Rio.

Rio's dark irises remain serious, ahead. "Nope." He says, as the muscles of his jaw seem to faintly clench. I fixate my gaze ahead, too, before taking in a steady breath.

"How did you find me?" I ask quietly.

"I wanted to." He answers, and it's then when I feel his gaze finally drift towards me. I jolt my gaze onto him at his choice of words.

But I don't say anything. Instead, for some reason, I only hold my breath, and avert my gaze elsewhere again.

Between our distinct figures only stands silence again.

Soon, I clear my throat, choosing to break the momentary silence. "How long were you watching?" I adjust on his brown eyes again.

Though this time, I gather, they're deep with an unreadable glimmer within them. He looks at me, intently, before he speaks.

"Long enough." He states huskily, reverting his eyes back to the peaceful nature around him, and to the few kids that hand out the cups at the lemonade stand fifty feet or so ahead of us. "So this is what you do outside of that job of yours, huh?"

I then follow his gaze in return. "Somewhat. I read. I take the walks that I need, to clear my mind. Make jokes out of Callum's own ridiculous jokes. But this is my favorite." I gesture towards the lemonade stand, and Rio soon seems to observe it.

"I love getting together with the students at the youth group I use to attend myself, years ago." I feel a smile form on my face - feeling Rio's eyes fixate on me shortly after. "The lemonade stand was their idea. I just came to help." I briefly shrug. "They're awesome."

"I saw," Rio starts, next to me, and I shift my attention back onto him, as he glances down and clears his throat, "I also saw Carlos got a free drink. Do I get a cup, too?" He asks huskily, before meeting my eyes.

A soft laugh escapes my lips, as I shake my head. "Wow. You must've really been watching for a while..." I remark, when his brown irises portray something I can't quite grasp.

And a grin briefly tugs at his lips.

"Oh I was, Isabel." He says lowly.

I feel like my eyes are settled on his for too long enough, as I'm reminded that he's the leader of the gang my brother takes part in. I clear my throat, shooting my attention ahead.

"Anyway, that's too much about myself. What about you?" I say next to him. "What is it that you do, when you're not... taking care of business?"

On the side of my eye I notice Rio glance in the opposite direction of me, in the direction of his other side, as he allows for silence to linger again, for another moment longer.

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