Chapter 11

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"The Calm Before"

"Cal, do you still want to be an astronaut when you grow up?"

My voice was softer, more youthful, back then, as my seven year old figure sat across from my twin brother in the sandbox in our parent's backyard.

His oceanic irises were bright on mine, as he formed an excited smile.

"Of course!" he boasted; absentmindedly fiddling with the sand before him.

"You never told me why." I remember telling him, reverting my wandering gaze down to the sand that nearly sparkled in the beaming sunlight that day.

"Well because I want to be closer to the stars. Don't you see them at night, Bells?" Callum's tone was twined in ambition, when his eyes locked on my own again.

"They're remarkable." he added on. His small brow perched up in my direction; as my twin brother portrayed evident curiosity.
"You still want to be a doctor and help people?"

"I do. And I know I may have plenty of time to think about it, but what if a doctor isn't the only option when it comes to helping others?" I asked, in ponder.

And when it hit me, a gasp was taken in. "What about the police? A cop!" the smile on my face couldn't of been brighter. "What do ya think? Can't you see me with a gun, aiming at a criminal?"

I gestured the shape of a pistol with my small hands, squinting my blue-green eyes. Callum only laughed at me in return.

"Of course I would never shoot, though." a frown soon formed on my face, and I shrugged. "I don't think I could ever do that, not to anybody."

I can still feel the feeling of my brother's smaller hand rest on my shoulder in comfort. "Well whatever you decide, Bells, you'll have me. The cop and the astronaut, side by side forever."

I feel my eyelids twitch, yet remain shut, as another flashback comes to memory.

Callum stands tall next to me, under the cloudy, gloomy sky. Two siblings dressed in black; a dark suit and tie with a short black dress aside.

Our parent's funeral.

We were only seventeen.

I remember the sound of Cal sniffling, next to me. My saddened gaze met his.

"What are we going to do, Bells?" he asked - voice low and shaky. I grasped onto his arm gently, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I wish I knew, Cal." I whispered.

Next to my ear, Callum broke into another faint sob; resulting nothing but a bigger ache in my chest. "A car crash. A freaking car crash." he said weakly.

I squeezed onto his arm, holding it tight, trying to provide every sliver of comfort I could possibly give him.

"Aunt Marie will be taking us in. We'll be okay. I have enough money saved up from the diner, that as soon as we hit our next birthday, we can get our own home." I whisper, keeping my gaze on the ground the casket was just buried beneath.

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