Chapter 15

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"It Burns"

     The file smacks against the wooden table's surface abruptly and sudden, before I fold my arms firmly against my chest.

I stand before everyone seated at the conference table; gathering for each of their attentive gazes to finally fixate on my own.

"Route 11. One of the busiest highways in all of Richmond." I begin amongst the room that falls silent, sternly. "The gang got some of their men to walk into a bank, armed, completely on the other side of the city."

I start in deliberate steps, around the conference room, feeling the vague dark bags beneath my eyes from lack of sleep - but I force aside that issue for another day.

"Meanwhile, as every accountant and banker in that building called the police, the real deal was happening elsewhere. The rest of the gang bangers were robbing a much bigger bank on Route 11, while we were looking in the completely wrong direction." I explain, feeling my jaw clench instinctively.

"Just like they wanted." I breathe. "On the bright side, if there be any, no one was injured during the staged robbery. Same goes for the ultimate heist. But just when we arrived at the reported location, they got away with no cash in their hands. Yet simultaneously, the gang got away with nearly $600,000."

Light sounds of whispers begin to fill the spacious room. And still grasping hold of my own words - I feel a familiar anger coldly pulsate throughout my veins.

"I thought we actually had them." I add on rather softly, coming to a stop before the front of the room.

Right now, sadness would overtake. At the fact that we still haven't caught them. At the fact that I can't seem to achieve in breaking down my current first priority.

But only anger, for the past few days, has sufficed. And I've done nothing but welcome it.

"If you take a look at the file I tossed before you, you'll see that the gang is targeting any branch that talks money. And, that they usually decide to head out around noon to make their move, for some reason." I convey, scanning across everyone's attentive irises.

"So I'll have a few of our people divided up into teams - each one guarding cash handling agencies within the city from the inside." I add in affirmation. "And be sure to drive your undercover vehicles only, with your uniform and badges out of plain sight. That way they won't see us coming."

Gathering strict nods of understanding in return, whilst previewing the file being passed around the table, I then take in a steady breath.

"Now if Sheriff Andrews says he's cool with it, I suggest you that are on morning shift get home for some rest, it's late in the afternoon. And we have a lot more to go over tomorrow in the midst of more unresolved cases." I gently bite my lip, watching some come to a stand on their own two feet.

"Just know we are going to take down the gang, guys." I assure. "Whatever it takes."

Within moments, the members of our team that were once seated at the table begin to head out of the conference room. And eventually, I'm left standing by myself.

I diffuse a soft sigh, feeling the unusual coldness still claim territory in my gut.

Going to claim a seat at the long and vacant conference table, my mind then starts to race in just how he is going to go down.
As long as it's soon.

But before I can dig deep into the abyss my mind has been comforted in lately, I hear the door open across the room whilst running a hand through my loose blonde hair.

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