3. The Next Day

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Kisa made her way back to the female dorms in a hurry. She was in danger of being spotted and a lone carnivore wandering around would be considered shady. Latching onto the building, Kisa climbed her way back up to her shared room. When she entered, Haru was still not in bed.

"She's not here..." Kisa was worried for her friend; she knew Haru couldn't be with Louis.

A vibration snapped Kisa out of her thoughts. Her phone displayed a new message from an unknown number.

[Hey, thanks for helping me. I promise I've put ice on my ankle. – Louis]

Attached to the message was a photograph. Louis had indeed heeded her instructions to ice his injured ankle. A warm feeling crossed Kisa's body. It felt nice that Louis trusted her. But what was strange was how he had gotten her number. Kisa replied anxiously.

[I'm glad you're recovering. How'd you get my number? – Kisa]

[I asked Legosi for it. Is that okay? – Louis]

[That's more than okay. ;) – Kisa]

[I wish we could have spent more time together tonight. Maybe after the performances? – Louis]

Kisa was half way through formatting her response when the dorm room door opened. Haru walked in slowly but the smell of rabbit blood coursed through the room. Kisa's ears and nose perked up in alarm and immediately discarded her phone onto her mattress. Almost tripping out of bed, the large feline fell in front of her small friend in desperation.

"Haru! What happened, I can smell blood!" Kisa cried.

Without a word Haru exposed her arm, which she had kept hidden.

"Of course I couldn't hide it from you..." Haru replied sadly.

Dashing to the bathroom, Kisa pulled out a medical kit and placed it on the floor next to her bed. She tapped the space beside her, ushering Haru to sit. The small dwarf rabbit obliged. Taking out the rubbing alcohol and gauze, Kisa didn't force Haru to speak. She was surprised, however, when Haru began to talk.

"I was attacked by a carnivore." She said simply.

"A large one it seems. These are claw marks at the edge of the scratches." Kisa nodded.

The big cat attempted to sniff the blood for a scent, but there was none.

"I washed it. I think I took away the scent." Haru whimpered as the alcohol was applied.

In a few minutes the wound was washed, disinfected and bandaged. It was almost midnight and breakfast would be served in only seven more hours.

"We should get some sleep." Kisa said, moving into her bunk.

Haru took one look at the ladder to her bed and shook her head.

"Can I sleep with you? Please?" She asked, shivering.

Kisa exuded sympathy for Haru and agreed. As the smaller animal curled into her side, Kisa couldn't help but think about the strange evening she had experienced. She gazed down at her friend, who soon caught her eye.

"Do you think of your parents when you see me like this?" Haru whispered.

"Yes, they try their best to help carnivores overcome their fear of small herbivores..." Kisa replied.

"But even the toughest herbivores are no match for any carnivore." Haru intervened. "Was it hard growing up as the only carnivore in your family?"

"It was, sometimes."


The next morning, Kisa awoke to Haru nudging her cheek. They had slept right through to the latest alarm.

"Kisa we have to go, there wont be any food for us left!" Haru urged.

Kisa begrudgingly rose from her bed and chucked on her discarded uniform. She absolutely detested skirts and dresses. Luckily, Kisa had gotten permission to wear pants from the school. She had used her strange proportions and constantly changing stature as an excuse. As the duo ran for the cafeteria, Kisa remembered Louis' message. She scrambled to grab her phone and hastily replied.

[Sorry for the late reply, a friend came back to the dorm injured too. I would love to spend more time with you Louis. – Kisa]

She replaced her phone in her bag just as they ran through the doors of the eatery. Kisa hurriedly joined the carnivore line and was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around to see Bill.

"Wow Kisa, you look like shit this morning." He nudged.

"I had an interesting night." Kisa replied, it wasn't a lie but it certainly wasn't the whole truth.

"Come on, let's eat together."

Kisa joined Bill and some of the other carnivores from the drama club at a table. She zoned in and out of the conversation and played with her food intermittently.

"You know what I think? Adler should be played by a carnivore. The message of a carnivore falling in love with and saving a herbivore is much better than portraying herbivore pride." Bill sneered.

Some of the others laughed nervously or rolled their eyes.

"You just want to play Adler." Kai rebutted.

"So what if I do! At least I'm still on the acting team." Bill shoved back.

"I don't care, you still don't have the role!"

"We maybe I'll do something about that."

"Stop." Kisa interjected. "Don't let other people hear you say things like that."

The table went silent.

"Yeah...Maybe you're right." Bill quickly added.

Kisa stood with her tray and excused herself from the table. After ditching her left overs, she went to class and decided to check in with Haru after they were over.


Clutching a medical kit in one hand and her drama club things in another, Kisa trekked up the stairs to the gardening club. She enjoyed that open area of the gardening club and found it easy to relax there. It also helped that Haru was teaching her about medicinal herbs.

Approaching the final flight, a blur of grey and blue whizzed past her. She turned to grab a hold of it and caught a flabbergasted Legosi by the shoulder.

"Legosi? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was asked to check on the flowers for the auditorium doors, but then I remembered I left something in my room." He quickly pulled together an excuse. "I need to go back before returning to the drama club."

Kisa let him go and watched him run off in a hurry. Shaking her head, Kisa stepped up to the gardening club and knocked on the door to the shack. Inside she found Haru putting on her dress.

"Why are you getting changed?" Kisa asked.

"Oh, well funny thing. This male wolf from the drama club came here and helped me move some flowerpots. I mistook his kindness for wanting sex so I took off my clothes, but he bolted." Haru mused.

Kisa's eyes opened in surprise.

'Oh my god.' She thought. 'You broke Legosi.'

[Hello readers, thank you for supporting my story! If you have any questions or want to know more about Kisa, please drop a comment! Thank you again, see you in the next part! - Catastrophic]

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