7. Rabbit Blood

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Legosi spotted Bill in the next room over; he was alone with his back to the door.

"I'll wait here, call if you need me." Kisa whispered, leaning against the wall casually.

She didn't want to draw attention to herself or throw suspicion to what was going to happen in the room. Legosi nodded and stepped inside. Kisa flicked her ear backwards to hear what was going on.

"I can smell it." Legosi growled.

"Come on, Legosi, what can you smell?" Bill taunted, pretending to be innocent.

"Where did you get it?" Legosi pressed.

Bill pushed past the wolf and headed towards the door.

"You want it? Come and get it!"

Bill rushed out of the door and bolted down the hallway. Kisa immediately lunged for him, clipping his shoulder. The tussle caused Bill to stumble but gave Legosi valuable seconds to catch up. The pair trailed the tiger down the narrow hallways of the backstage area, dodging whoever happened to be nearby. They almost hit Louis, who grabbed Kisa's arm and forced her to a stop.

"Keep going!" Kisa called after Legosi.

She then turned her head to Louis, bending slightly to catch her breath. The red deer looked at her curiously.

"What was all that about?" Louis asked. "You shouldn't be running down halls, especially you big carnivores."

Kisa shifted uncomfortably.

"What?" Louis deadpanned.

"Bill has something he should have, it smells like rabbit blood." Kisa spoke in a low tone. "I can tell, I know what rabbit blood smells like."

Louis squinted and looked down the hall. He cocked his head in annoyance.

"Those damn seniors, sneaking herbivore blood onto the campus."

Louis turned on his crutches and hopped away. Kisa turned in the other direction and tried to find Legosi, but she couldn't. Instead, she went back to fixing up the backstage props and waited for the show to start. The next time Kisa saw the boys was when the show started.

Bill was inherently nervous, stumbling over his words every now and then. With Bill changing roles, his prior character was shifted to Legosi – an ominous pairing with what had just transpired. Their on stage scene was about to begin, but Kisa could tell by the way Legosi walked that he was taking this personally. The fight was brutal and not at all scripted. Other members of the drama class chatted behind the stage, wondering what had gotten into the two boys.

Kisa attempted to quieten their imaginations by saying that it was because they were both carnivores. They could use more of their strength to make it look authentic and tense. It was a complete bluff, but the other students seemed to take the bait. Suddenly, Louis burst onto stage and an awkward hush fell over the auditorium. He pulled Legosi onto his shoulder.

"Would the fair maiden tigress, deliver this valiant fighter to his chambers to nurse his broken pride?" Louis poetically called, looking Kisa straight in the eyes.

After frantically pulling on a wrap from the props box, Kisa delicately strode onto the stage and took the wolf from the deer.

"Don't show his back." Louis hummed.

It was only now that Kisa saw the bloody dripping from Legosi's back. Prominent claw marks lined his flesh. She shot a violent glare at Bill who bit his lip nervously. Kisa dragged Legosi from the stage and off into a small room. She placed him on a stool and quickly gathered a medical kit.

"You're really something Legosi." She smiled, taking out rubbing alcohol and cotton pads.

"It felt personal, especially since I'm friends with a rabbit." Legosi breathed through the pain.

This caught Kisa's interest. Did this mean that Haru might start to gravitate towards Legosi and not Louis? She shook the thoughts from her head, now was not the time.

"Louis' going to tear into you both for this, you know that right?" Kisa warned, dabbing the liquid over Legosi's wounds.

"Why? We can play it off as carnivore competition..." He sighed, looking over his shoulder at her.

"I told him about the blood." Kisa admitted. 

[Hello readers! Thank you for your continued support! All comments, votes and art mean the world to me. <3]

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