5. Curtain

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Kisa spent the remainder of the rehearsal as far away from Louis as possible. She busied herself with learning the movements of the sets and backdrops. Never once did Louis falter, he put on a wonderful façade to mask the pain – much like the character of Adler. Towards the end of the club time, Legosi made his way over to her and whispered in her ear.

"Is Louis' ankle okay?" He asked.

Kisa shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure it's broken, but he won't listen to me." Kisa grumbled.

"Broken!" Legosi gasped.

Kisa grasped his muzzle and shut his mouth, making an urgent hushing sound.

"Don't make a scene." She hissed.


Letting go of Legosi, Kisa slung her bag over her shoulder. She was hungry for carbohydrates. Kisa walked out of the clubroom without announcing her leave, she was fed up and annoyed. She kept telling herself that she would not have any sympathy for Louis if his condition worsened.

"It's his fault if it gets worse. You told him, you told him Kisa!" She mumbled to herself.

"Kisa, wait up. Are you heading to the cafeteria?"

Kisa turned around to meet the friendly face of Riz. The giant bear towered over her and she was considered a large carnivore.

"Yeah, I need carbs."

Riz nodded in agreement. "It's the only thing that fills me up."

Kisa ate her meal with Riz and around them; there was constant chatter about the duo.

"Look at those large carnivores."

"I think they're both members of the drama club."

"No way! One of them could have killed Tem."

"Talk about scary."

Kisa's ear flicked every few moments and Riz noticed.

"Do the comments hurt you?" He asked.

"No, they just annoy me." Kisa replied. "I would just like to be treated a bit better."

The rest of the evening passed by without anything else happening. By all regards, it was a normal night. Riz and Kisa decided to part ways and get an early night.

Kisa stepped into her room. Haru was already back and changed into her pyjamas. The small dwarf rabbit was kneeling at the small table, using as a desk. Flopping onto her bunk, Kisa exhaled loudly.

"What's wrong? You always make it known when you're upset." Haru mused, eyes never leaving her work.

"Herbivores in the cafeteria were talking about us large carnivores again." Kisa sighed. "I'm sick of it."

"Can you blame them?" Haru replied.


There was a moment of silence.

"Why don't you come over here and help me with my English homework. You have impeccable speaking skills." Haru continued.

"Yeah okay. How was your day?" Kisa said, rolling off her bed and onto the floor lazily.

She grabbed out her homework, which she had completed in class. Sitting beside her best friend, Kisa almost forgot that she was carnivore.

"That wolf, Legosi, saw me again today. I think I should have lunch with him sometime, he never really introduced himself and I never gave him my name." Haru joked, looking at Kisa's book.

"Be slow with him, he needs a bit of help." Kisa giggled.

"He's an interesting boy." Haru smiled.

"What's this? Not interested in Louis anymore?" Kisa poked.

She hoped that Haru wasn't. But she would never admit that.

"I don't know."

Kisa explained the homework to Haru and left her book on the table. She climbed into bed and curled up, eager to sleep right through to the next day.

When she woke up the next morning, Kisa was determined to make the day fly by. She buried herself in her studies or ran laps of the training field.

It was time for the first performance to begin.

The curtain rose.

Louis ran out onto the stage and tripped into his starting position, the first sign of his failing ankle.

"It's not your concern Kisa, Louis can make his own decisions." 

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