23 - A Duty to Protect

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Kyrell and Elowen were talking in the main hallway of the academy before classes. Thane yawned walking up to the chatting pair, his eyes half closed. Kyrell took one look at him and couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips.

"Why are you looking so ragged this morning?"

Thane blushed giving him a slight glare, "Because someone kept me up last night to quiz him for a freaking medical exam." 

Kyrell beamed his grey eyes bursting with mischief, "You offered to help, but here I got you a coffee." He smiled, handing him a warm cup of energy. 

Thane smiled taking the cup, "This might make up for it." He mumbled, closing his eyes at the taste of the bitter sweet sustenance.

Small chatter and whispers began to fill the hall as more students shuffled towards their classrooms. Elowen hushed Kyrell and Thane to get a better listen of what everyone was getting so excited about.

"Have you seen them?" A unicorn whispered, excitedly to her friends.

"They are *gorgeous* and those horns." A werewolf, giggled back to her.

"She's an absolute badass." A DiFuego witch laughed as she slipped her arm through a DiAzuli witch's arm who nodded her head in agreement.

Thane frowned, "What the fuck is everyone talking about?" 

Elowen gasped, grabbing his arm, "Them." She breathed her heart thumped hard in her chest at Lucian and Reyna walking down the hall towards them. They were dressed like everyone else in their standard academy uniforms, but they were changed.

It was as if their youthful features had washed away. They were no longer a witch and a demon in puberty, they had entered their prime. Lucian looked stronger and taller. His already buff stature, seemed more pronounced. Reyna's tightly curled hair, was looser and longer. Her eyes were just a tad bit darker and they walked with power and purpose. Elowen's eyes grew wide at their auras. The iridescent wisps were circling each other's and vibrating out in a subtle wave, washing gently over the creatures around them. She'd never seen anything like it.

"Whoa, look at you two! Reyna those horns really suit you." Kyrell beamed unable to take his eyes off of them. 

"What's changed about you two? You look...older somehow." Elowen smiled, watching them blush as they looked at each other.

"Do we?" Lucian chuckled.

"Yeah, what happened when you two went home, did...did you...claim each other?" Thane blushed as they laughed shaking their heads.

"No, that hasn't happened yet. Our ancestors just helped us find who we are." Reyna smiled threading her fingers through Lucian's.

"Ah, you went to Autuwan. That's why you look older. You're getting ready to lead your clan and coven." Elowen nodded and she gasped as if she remembered something important, "Your journey must have been extremely different than the leaders before you. Please tell me you're going to share what your ancestors told you!" She whined.

"Maybe one day, Elowen." Lucian smiled.


"Well, well look who survived the change?" Nyx smirked as the remaining five members of the demon society came strolling down the hall.

Oh here we go. Reyna sighed.

Let's just have fun with it. Lucian chuckled, purposely bringing her hand to his lips to spite Nyx.

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