+82-01 Moon Byulyi

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"Let's play spin the bottle!" Ahn Hyejin spat on an idea of what to do in their slumber party, right after they finished eating ramen.

"It's so clever Hyejin-ah. You want who to kiss who?" Jung Wheein clapped her hands in a sarcastic way, ignoring the black-haired girl and turned on the TV.

"I left my blanket in the kitchen. I don't want to go downstairs alone, come with me, come with me!" Kim Yongsun pulled Wheein's arm to convince her, which she reacted with a rolled eyes.

"I'll go with you." Yongsun stood up in a hype hearing that, clutching the other girls' hands tight.

"You're not scared?" She asked.

"This is my house." Moon Byulyi sighed, leading her towards the door to the kitchen, in order to pick up her blanket.

Moon Byulyi is your ordinary sophomore student, struggle to survive high school with a decent GPA and got accepted to a nice university, graduate, get her degree, and started to work to get her food every day on the table. She is a nice kid, introverted, trying to avoid things like she might be regretted later.

Like this sleepover thing.

The other girls are the three musketeer in her school, Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein, and Ahn Hyejin. The three somehow can persuade her to agree to host the slumber party in her house, of course with a multiple whine, plead, even threat.

She is not even sure why she can socialize with them in the first place.

Yongsun is a crazy-rich kid. She got every cars and dresses all girls can only imagine. Meanwhile, Byul could only take busses from home to school, that girl drives different cars to drive to school every semester, never wears the same bag to school every week. That girl is glamorous and elegant, from a single glance everyone can guess that she was born in a wealthy situation.

Wheein is a crazy-smart kid. She got every brain and trophies all girls can only imagine. Meanwhile, Byul need to memorize 4 times before taking a quick quiz, Wheein just need to meditate to gather all the information that God had already placed there even before she was born. She spoke 5 languages and she is pretty good in doing art.

Hyejin is a crazy-neighbourly kid. She got every friend and every amount of follower all girls can only imagine. Her social life is beyond amazing. Meanwhile, Byul need to rehearse herself when she wanted to borrow a book from the library, Hwasa can only raise her eyebrow and got 24 new friends. From Dua Lipa until a random janitor in Byul's nearby minimarket, everybody recognizes her. She got verified in every social media, and her recent mukbang on Youtube had shaken South Korea.

Byulyi is just Byulyi.

But the three of them never look down on her, and they brought her warmly in their friendship. And now, seeing them three bickering about what to do before sleep, Byul thought she already had the best memories in high school.

She took Yongsun's cuddly blanket from the kitchen counter, while the owner just standing in the brightest area there from the side of the stairs, refuse to follow Byul because she decided not to turn on the kitchen lamp.


Yongsun's uneasy expression turned into a complete joy when Byul handed her the blanket, she hugged her with the blanket on the middle of their body, pressing on Byul's waist.

"Ouch ouch, Yong, it hurts!"

Since when a cuddly blanket can hurt?

Yong immediately pulled off to see Byul appear to brought another thing behind the blanket.

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