+82-04 abduction?

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Kim Seokjin and the other four men who were formerly called F5 sat next to each other in the long chairs in the quiet Rainbow Highschool canteen. There are no other students around, just them, accompanied by four beautiful girls, Kim Yongsun, Jung Wheein, Ahn Hyejin and Moon Byulyi,

or, disguised as...

Kim Yongyong.

After a short acquaintance, Jimin opened the chatter. "What is this Moon Byulyi looks like? She has a beautiful name. I like that name. But I have to be honest, there is something strange about her."

"Strange, like what?" Hyejin asked.

With his pouted lips, Jimin continued, "Surely in a fundamental rule in calling someone, she must introduce herself first, or at least do a little small talk before she declares her love for Jinnie." He said that and then he turned his face to Byulyi who just looked to the floor.

"And for real, there are people on earth who still confess love over the telephone?" Jimin said firmly.

"That's true..." Wheein agreed.

Her words instantly made the three other girls turn to look at her.

Wheein who senses a killing aura from her friends quickly added, "We don't know Byulyi that close."


Wheein took a deep breath, then continued, "The person who is closest to Moon Byulyi is Kim Yongyong."

Therefore now, all eyes are on the main character on that topic, Kim Yongyong. Byulyi, who still shocked shortly raise her face, tried to ease the sharp gazes from F5.

"Really?" Jin asked.

Jin changed his seat and leaning to Byulyi. His cold ambiance and manly cologne made Byulyi immediately frightened, trembling on her fingers.

"Yongyong-shi..." he paused. "Do you know the reason why Byulyi didn't go to school?"

Byulyi didn't expect to be asked like that. She never good at lying before, and the stares from everyone is not helping at all.

"I... s-she... left."


"Byulyi... has a um ... rare explosive diarrhea that comes once a week. That's why she is always being umm ... examined by a doctor brought from abroad, from the United States" She said, very incredibly, suspiciously ridiculous.

Everyone who listened could only gape, including Byulyi's best friends, they found Byulyi's lies are extremely unreliable.

And dumb.

But Jin's expression suddenly loosened up, he sulked and looked extremely sad. "Poor Byulyi. She must be stressed out with her illness, so she confessed to me by phone."

He cleared his throat a little, then proceeded, "May I visit her?"

"NO!!!" Byulyi reacted hastily and regretted her decision because everyone is glancing at her weirdly. Including Jin who looked very stunned by her sudden lifted voice.

"Umm, I mean not yet." She gave them a little smile, a forced one. "In addition to her explosive diarrhea, she also had this severe contagious disease. That's why we shouldn't visit her." She said, lying smoothly, still ridiculous.

Jin put back his face full of sadness. "Gosh, is there anything we can do to help her?"

"NO!" Byulyi shouted once again.

And, everyone glanced at Byulyi again.

"Umm, I mean, I can convey your messages to Byulyi! I'm close to her mom, and um her step brother." She said again, trying to quell all the skepticisms eye from everyone.

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