+82-02 Kim Seokjin

955 85 38

Hehehellow im back, and alive, and happy. Enjoy 🥰🥰





When Byulyi was fast asleep, Hyejin called Yongsun and Wheein out of the room. The three beautiful girls tiptoed from the bed, trying not to wake Byulyi up, who is famous for being a light sleeper.

Upon reaching the hallway, Wheein slowly closed the door, then turned to the other two and asked, "What is it?"

"We have a problem," Hyejin said and then took out the paper that was used by Byul to call the random guy, for the sake of fulfilling her dare. "The problem is this number."

Yongsun nodded her head. "Duh!! Your paper has a note saying 'DO NOT CALL' in it, written in red ink, with all caps. That's definitely a problem."

"Whose number is that?" Wheein asked.

Hyejin took a deep breath and began explaining, "Do you know who is Park Jimin? From that rich kid private school? F5? Eh, wait, F4??"

"IT WAS HIS NUMBER!?" Wheein and Yongsun yelled quietly in unison. It's amusing how they were so shocked but they still remember to keep a low voice, making Hyejin quickly hit their arms.

"Ssshhh!!!" Hyejin widened her eyes and put one finger in front of her lips. "Don't wake this house!"

"Okay, okay, sorry!" Wheein said while rubbing her twitching arm that was hit by Hyejin. "So? It was his number?"

Hyejin sighed. "Nope. Worse."

Wheein and Yongsun looked at each other strangely, wondering what could be worse than have to deal with someone from that prestigious school. They turned their faces towards Hyejin in confusion. "W-worse?" Yongsun asked.

"It was Kim Seokjin's number."

"T-t-t-t-the mafia guy?"






"Guys, I told you not to come and make a mess in the office." Kim Namjoon said without turning his head from the document he read on his laptop, while four other humans who had just entered the room ignored him, shortly sat in the comfy couch in the middle of the room.

Park Jimin walked casually towards the coffee maker, looking for the coffee beans he always makes every day. "Where is my favourite beans?" he asked.

"Jimin-ah, You can't-"

"-I don't ask you, Kim Namjoon-shi."

Jeon Jungkook smirked. He was sitting in the couch and have his leg crossed in the small table in front of him. "I was the last to spend it."

Jimin looked at him, all frowned. "You know I don't like cheap, instant coffee." Then he joined the others on the couch, sitting with his arms crossed. "I need coffee so I won't fall asleep like this sloth," he said while dabbing thigh of a man beside him, which was already leaning against the pillow.

"I heard that." Min Yoongi said with eyes closed, then yanking away Jimin's hand off of his thigh.

Namjoon slowly closed his laptop. "Guys, come on, I need some peace."

"Shut up, Joonie," Jungkook said and give him a side-eye. "You left F5 to become a student council and left us as F4? What other peace did you exactly want?"

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