+82-05 clueless poo-head

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"Please be my lover ... "




"-Moon Byulyi ..."

All eyes are focused around Moon Byulyi aka Kim Yongyong and Kim Seokjin, including their 7 best friends who were frozen at the entrance, blocking some other visitors from entering the place.

Meanwhile, the restaurant's fast-paced, the lightning-fast atmosphere changed slightly to a vivid slow motion, where everyone held their breath, waiting for what Byulyi would say. Even those two pieces of fries that Byul was holding is falling dramatically, making Jin is freer to hold her hands tighter.

He cleared his throat once.

"This may sound crazy, but the thing is, ever since you called me that night, your voice has been lingering in my head. I am waiting for this moment to finally meet you." He proceeded, staring deeply at her brown iris.

The strained and tense situation is getting thicker in every second that passed by, even those who were queuing at the cashier also turned their back around to look at Seokjin and Byulyi, wanting to witness what happened.

Including their friends too.


Jimin let out a small giggle, and then smile still nailed on his face realizing how his friends are so invested in Jin's scene. At one point, he looked at Hyejin.

"Don't forget to breathe, Hyejin-ah." He said, more like a whisper to her direction, try to calm her, making Hyejin realized that she had been holding her breath for a long time.

"Ah, fuhh... um, yes yes...thank you," Hyejin replied, flustered.

Yoongi awakes a few moments later and breathed out a long sigh. "Our Jinnie is really serious about that girl, Moon Byulyi." He said while shaking his head a few times.

Jungkook agreed, nodding. "So, is he really in love, like love love? Love like in the movies? Notebook kind of love? Titanic kind of love?"

A faint knock was heard from behind them and made Namjoon turned his back. Seeing other people waiting behind the entrance door, Namjoon bowed his apology and search for a good spot for his friends to continue watching the scene.

He pointed at a mini-playground built for children. "Guys, guys, let's go there. We blocked the door." Namjoon said, then lead the way to behind a big slide. "Here, they won't see us there."

The others moved and followed his way and hid behind the playground's slide, out of sight from Jin and Byul's table, but close enough to hear what they are saying.

"Look at him go. My man Kim Seokjin." Yoongi said and nudged Jungkook's shoulder who was also giggling. Now they truly believe that this is the real reason why Jin likes to smile and daydream a lot, even in his least favourite class, Mr. Jung Hoseok's class.

Meanwhile the boys were so proud of Jin, different expressions were showed by girls. "What the hell???" Yongsun mumbled, a little frustrated.

Wheein directly cut her up. She was standing behind Yongsun, and instantly covers her mouth. "Ssshhh, keep it down! You can blow our cover."

"This is not good, guys." Hyejin, who was squatting on the floor below them whispered and soon got a worried look from Yongsun.

Only God knows about what happened next, that was their thought.

The overdramatic slash romantic moment shortly changed after Jin releases his hands from her. Byul can no longer feel his tight grasp. The handsome man smiled happily as nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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