+82-03 Kim Yongyong

907 81 31

Jin is not part of mafia gang. It was all rumours on the street, made by their friends. I'm sorry. Maybe in the next story???






"Where were you?" Hyejin and Wheein asked when Yongsun suddenly excused herself and left the classroom, looking in a hurry to pick up someone's call.

Byulyi was standing in front of the whiteboard, writing the notes the teacher gave her to copy to the class for tomorrow's class. It was almost their time to go home, so they waited for the bell to ring.

A little while after that, Yongsun came back to Hyejin and Wheein and pulled the chair and sat in front of them. "Just a call from my cousin. He is asking for someone's number."

"And then?" Asked Wheein.

"The funny thing is, that number is apparently Byulyi's phone number!"

Hyejin and Wheein looked at each other suspiciously.

"Who is your cousin, Yongsun?"

"His name is Namjoon."

Hyejin shocked, "Kim Namjoon?!"

Wheein went along in the panic, "You idiot, why did you tell him it was Byulyi's number? Your cousin is Kim Seokjin's friend and they must be looking for Byulyi's number." She said that in one breathe and look at Hyejin again. "This is all because of your ridiculous dare!"

"Why do you blame me? It's Yongsun's fault!! Why the hell she told them that it was Byulyi's number!" Hyejin said with a frown, not wanting to lose.

"Me?! How would I know that Seokjin is Joonie's friend!" Yongsun reversed all the accusations towards her.

"How about-"

"-Good God!" Yongsun screamed and cut Wheein's word. Her eyes opened wide when looking at her phone. "Namjoon and his friends are in front of the school gate, he told me to bring Byulyi out!"

"That must be F5 or F4!" Hyejin reckoned.

"What do we do? Our friend will be chopped, dead-meat for pranking their gang leader!!" Wheein shrieked.

"Who?" Byulyi chirped behind them, all in the good mood, making the other three screamed in surprise.

"Why are you so scared?" Byulyi asked casually then sat on her chair

"Byul-ah!" Hyejin called then pat her shoulder. "Nice to know you all this time."


"Byul-ah!" Wheein spoke and made Byul look at her. "Listen to me."

Byulyi nodded.

Wheein cleared her throat before began explaining, "The person you called yesterday to fulfil your dare is Kim Seokjin!" She said and there is no response from Byul aside from her eyes blinking. "He is the famous gang leader of F4, you know, the prestigious private school in the west of this city?!"

"F4? LEADER? ME?" Byulyi almost lost her balance. "WHAT? Why didn't you tell me about this earlier??"

"We thought he would just ignore it, until ..."

"Until what?"

"Kim Seokjin and his gang are at the front gate of our school, looking for you."





Alright, Yongsun started to describe the man who was talking to Byul over the phone last night. The girls stood in the 4th floor, facing a large, clear glass that revealed the view of the field and the front gate of the school.

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