7: Smile

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Athy POV

I was in my room to prepare myself for my tea party with papa and hopefully big brother too! As Lilian comp my hair beautifully when someone knocks on the door. "Princess, may I come in?"

"Enter." I said, turns around from my sitting position to see big brother's personal guard, Emiya!

He bowed with his right-hand place to his chest as he speaks. "I have a message from his highness." My eyes sparkles, eager to hear it and maybe big brother will join us! "His Highness would like to apologize that he won't be joining your tea party. Within his arrival few days ago, he had been busy lately and ... he truly is deeply sorry." He stands up straight with a sad knowing smile. "I am sorry, princess."

My bright smile slowly disappears, I stare at the floor with a sad expression and... disappointment. "Oh..." was my only response.

"Princess..." Lilian places her hand on my shoulder in concern, "I know how much you want to spend your time with his highness but we all know how busy he was lately."

I numbly nodded my head, "It's alright. I don't want to be a burden..." Lifting my head up as I tried to smile brightly. Tried. But I know it was a fake smile because Emiya seems to stares at me in worried, "Plus! Papa will be joining today! I can't wait~!"

'Argh... I almost forgot about Claude... I still need to do my best not to be on his bad side in order to survive.' Crocodile tears form, 'But big brother can't attend today and who will save me if I make one wrong move?! I wish brother at least come check on me at my tea party.'

Emiya bowed before he left my room. I sighed as Lilian almost finished styling my hair and she speaks, "You look very beautiful today, princess. I bet his majesty will be happy to see you."

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