13: Life Of The Hidden Prince

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A/N- A token for waiting! Ta da! I draw a picture of Arthur and Athy :D Hope you guys like it~!

Third POV

Before the king could do anything to the prince, a dark shadow embrace Arthur from beneath as it wraps around him and disappears into thin air. Arthur, for once, be glad for Ishtar to put a spell on him so she can easily detect him and use her magic to summon him in his own room.

With a puff, he flops on his bed.

With the presence of Ishtar and his angry knight in his room beside him, he had the feeling that this won’t ends well. Ishtar had a look of a mother that will scold her child while Emiya on the other hand, had an unfamiliar emotions that Arthur himself aren’t familiar with.

“So?” Ishtar crossed her arms, staring at him. “Did the King favor you too much again? Or was he mad that I had told him about the news?”

Rubbing his forehead, sigh in exhausted, “I could say both.”

Ishtar flow around him before she sat crossed legs on his bed, near him with an angry huffed and murmurs under her breath, “I shouldn’t had told him.”

“He threaten you, am I right?” Arthur asks with a straight face.


“What did he said this time?”

She avoid looking at him, playing with her fingers like a shy-looking-teenage girl as if she had busted for some reason before she sighed in defeated and replied to his question, honestly, “He…won’t give me your coat if I don’t tell him about your health—“

“He WHAT?! My coat?!”

Solemnly nodding her head, “Yeah. The one you wore during protocol…”

“Why in the world would you want tha—wait…” A look of realization hits him, “Don’t tell me…” He narrowed his eyes at her who is staring at him like a love-sick puppy, “…include few of my clothes and my belts that were mysteriously disappears…”

She nodded her head.

“…was his doing?!” He continue with a horror expressions, “And you took the bargain?!”

She giggles behind her hand, “Plus, I managed to collect your silky-golden hair strands too~”

A cracks of thunder heard behind the background music of the prince, his face slowly turns pale the moment he imagine what kind of bargain those two had in stock. Gulping, he facepalmed at the thought what he had got himself into?

After exchange conversation between the two, she stood up from the bed and said that she had business to attend as she wave her hand before vanishing into the darkness.

Thus, leaving the prince and his knight in the room.

Noticing that the entire conversation with the witch, Emiya was strangely quiet after his arrival. Looking up at the stand-stood-knight beside the window, he ask, “Is something the matter, Emiya?”

The knight doesn’t look at him but instead, he answers with a deep voice, “I dislike the way he treated you, Your Highness.”

Staring at him strangely by the sudden formal, Arthur move slightly from the bed so his feet could touch the carpet floor and reach his right hand out to grabs Emiya’s red sleeve, catching his attention as he finally meet his jeweled eyes.

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