15: Ishtar Meet Merlin

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Third POV

In the princess room, with the presence of both sorcerers is a very rare sight to see them together in one room. Usually Ishtar would just disappears to find her precious prince except for today. The crown prince went on for hunting in the forest with the knights and Emiya.

The truth is, she really REALLY doesn’t want to leave his highness side stating that he needs her power for support. Knowing the prince being wise and considered, he want Ishtar to stay in the palace to protect Athanasia during his absence with good reason, saying that Ishtar is powerful enough to protect the palace. With his acknowledge of her capabilities, she blushed and immediately obedient without hesitation.

Thus, here she is with her little brother staying in one room with the princess.

Athy on the other hand, was very nervous with the presence of Ishtar.

She only met the female sorcerer from a glance time to time whenever she with her brother. But to be finally meeting her in person is very overwhelming. Her aura is much more superior and powerful, slight stronger than Lucas himself. No wonder Lucas behave himself today.


‘Well… this is awkward…’ Athy thought nervously.

What should she say? What kind of conversation should she start? She doesn’t even know about Ishtar! Her character to finally appeared is a bonus! She need her to be her ally in order to survive from her tragic ending!

“U-Urm… Lady Ishtar…” Athy began to spoke up, feeling nervous at the sight of her ruby eyes looking at her. “Athy want to know why you become a black witch?” Using her adorable face, it’s worth a try. She is after all a child right now with an adult soul.

The atmosphere immediately drops by just one question. Lucas face dark slightly but his eyes shows guilt while Ishtar… her face become dull-cold expression before change to fake smile.

Athy blinks her eyes in confuse at the sudden atmosphere as she pats Blackie on her lap.

Ishtar coughed, trying to ease the heavy aura in the room and speak, “It is not my intention to consume and controlled dark magic. You could say I was forced to accepted.”

Tilting her head to the side, she frowned, “What do you mean forced?”

‘If I explained any further, she wouldn’t understand and might forget what I just said. She is just a child for now.’ Ishtar thought.

She sat on a 2 side sofa in front of the princess while Lucas sat on the other side of them which is between them near the large window. Lucas stares at his sister in concern just as she continue to explain in a language for a child to understand.

“I become a black witch or known as the dark sorcerer was because… in other to protect my little brother, I had to be the same equal powerful enough to defeat the dark magic. Is like fighting fire with fire, dark with dark.” Ishtar gesture her hands in a movement of explaining to different source. ‘But in the end, Lucas followed my foot steps and become a dark sorcerer himself with unknown reasons.’

“If you fight with dark magic, why not using white magic instead? Won’t it be easy to defeat?” Athy counter another question.

Ishtar chuckles at the princess brilliant mind. “Indeed white magic can defeat black magic.” Lifting her right finger with a sad smile, “But princess, the white sorcerers won’t even lean a hand to help us during that time.”

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