Chapter Three

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   Hop held the door open for you, allowing you to slip inside. Similar to the Pokèmon lab, there was soft music playing in the background. The room you were in split off into a few other rooms, but you couldn't really tell what was in them. There were a few bookshelves dotted around, and some of them had a few pictures on top. Windows were letting light flow into the room, but not too much, and overall it was a very comfy setting.

   "Ah! You two finally arrived," Leon walked up, adjusting the cap that sat on his head.

   "We wanted to stop by the Pokémon center first," you started to explain. "I've never been there before, and we wanted to make sure we were properly prepared for the journey ahead." Hop gave a thumbs up to show he has tagged along.

   "Well," Leon gave an approving nod, looking back and forth between the two of you. "A good Pokémon trainer is always prepared. You don't want to find yourself in a bad situation and not be able to do anything about it."

   An older lady wearing a white lab coat stepped forward, her gray hair piled on her head. She worse glasses and walked slowly over, an old, warm smile on her face. She opened her arms in greeting. "So you two must be Hop and (Y/N)," she commented, her gaze finally resting on you. You felt a little uncomfortable at first, but soon shook it away. "I am Professor Magnolia, and it appears you have already met my granddaughter, Sonia."

   "Yup and Yup!" Hop smiled, putting his hands behind his head and grinning.

   "Well, how about we head outside? I haven't seen a good Pokémon battle in person for awhile," Magnolia commented, waving everyone out the door. You all obeyed, filing out onto the green lawn outside. You and Hop made your way over to the small battle field, taking your places in opposite sides. It was very similar to the one at Hop's house, but there was a lot more around you.

   "Alright, (Y/N)! There is no way you can beat me now," Hop put one hand on his shoulder, swinging the other one around in a few quick circles. "Go, Wooloo!" Hop released the Pokémon from its ball, and Wooloo let out a baa.

   "Don't get too confident, Hop," you smiled at your friend, grabbing Sobble's Pokéball out of your bag. "Lets show him, Sobble!" You tossed the ball in the air, Sobble popping out. You attempted to catch the Pokéball, but missed, and it fell on the ground a few inches from your fingers. You heard Hop laugh, but it didn't bother you. In a few seconds after you won, he wouldn't be smiling anymore.

   "Wooloo, use tackle!" Hop pointed his fingers, and the Pokémon charged at Sobble. He attempted to dodge, but was a little bit too slow and got hit. Sobble let out a faint cry, but stopped when you called out to calm him down.

   "It's ok, you've got this Sobble! Use water gun!" At your command, he shot a stream of water out of his mouth that hit Hop's Wooloo in the eyes. It shook its head, attempting to clear it's vision. "Good job Sobble!" You cried out , and Sobble brightened up a little bit at your praise.

   "Wooloo, tackle again!" Hop yelled out, his eyes narrowed in concentration. Wooloo charged at Sobble again, who this time got hit head on. He stumbled backwards, trying to keep his footing. "Ha! Take that!" Hop shouted, his confidence slowly rising.

   "Alright then... Sobble," you began, waiting to make sure he could hear you. "Tackle!" The blue Pokémon hit Wooloo, causing him to fall to the ground. Hop looked shocked for a second, but gently smacked the sides of his face. You laughed in the inside, noticing him repeating the move Leon does.

   "Alright, no problem. I can still win this!!" Hop returned Wooloo to his Pokèball, grabbing Scorbunny's. "Alright, Scorbunny. Let's finish this!" He released the Pokèmon, who gave a bounce of delight, clearly ready to fight.

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