Chapter Nine

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   You woke up the next morning, light streaming in from a crack in the curtains that weren't fixed last night. You felt warmth surrounding you, and you were terribly comfortable.

   As you regained more feeling in your body, you felt pressure on top of your head. You blinked a few times, shifting ever so slightly. You heard Hop mumble something, clearly asleep.

   Then it clicked.

   Whyyyyyy did I fall asleep in here?! You thought, waves of embarrassment, happiness, and everything inbetween crashing through you. Your mind was racing, and the realisation hit you that you two were basically cuddling together on the couch. You started breathing quickly, thankful that Hop was a heavy sleeper. You needed time to figure out what to do, and more importantly, how not to make things awkward.

   You were about to try and wiggle away from him when he shifted in his sleep, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you a little bit closer. You felt your heart melt slightly, and that warmth returned to you. At this point you had figured out you grew feelings for the best friend who also became your rival. Him pulling you closer only fed the flames burning inside your heart, which was slowly starting to burn for him.

   You decided to just stay there. What were you going to do when you got up, chill out at the other end of the couch? Leave? While these were both things you could do, neither of them were as appealing of staying in his arms. It was almost like the night you knocked on his door crying, except this time you were happy.

   Your head was resting in the crook of his neck, the one arm he had just moved draping across your stomach. You were laying on your right arm ever so slightly, your left hand on his shoulder and under your head. Hop's head was resting on top of yours, and you felt some of his hair tickling your ear.

   You relaxed against Hop, feeling the slight rise and fall of his chest. You tried to match your breathing up with his, until you realized how stupid you were being. Listen, I know you are really enjoying this, but you have to go face Kabu today, and then travel to the next gym. You took a deep breath, trying to figure out how you were going to wake up Hop without making things awkward. Maybe if I just shift around a lot like I'm sleeping...

   You started shifting, wiggling your shoulders for extra effect. Hop made a weird snoring noise, and you closed your eyes quickly. When he didn't move after that, you opened your eyes again. Why did he have to be such a heavy sleeper? So we are going to do this the hard way, huh?

   You twisted your head to look up at him, blowing on his face before acting asleep this time.

   "Hhmmuh?" Hop said groggily, lifting his head up. Yes! You thought, pretending to just wake up yourself. "(Y/N)?" He blinked at you, looking as if though you had just popped out of his dreams.

   "Hop?" You said back, forcing yourself to sound tired. As much as you wanted to stay in his arms, you knew it was time to get moving.

   "Did," he paused, stretching and letting out a yawn. "Did we sleep like that?"

   You took your chance to stand up while he wasn't wrapped around you. "I think so." Was Hop blushing ?

  "Huh. Well, I slept great," Hop stood up as well, and you folded the blanket now thrown carelessly on the side of the couch. "I'm going to get ready, we have to go face Kabu!" He exclaimed with new energy, rushing to his bathroom.

   You watched him with a blank expression. For starters, you could never get Hop up and going that quickly. He had always needed time to wake up. Second of all, he was acting as if you two didn't just spend the whole night cuddling on the couch. What is wrong with us?

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