Chapter Eight

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   You scooted off of the flying taxi, smiling when you realized Hop still had his eyes closed. "Hey, we've landed Hop," you shook him gently, and his eyes shot open.

   "I am never doing that again," he decided as he got out, his legs a little shaky. "That was almost the worst experience of my life," he said , taking a deep breath. You two paid the man, bidding him farwell and a good night.

   "Almost?" You raised an eyebrow as the two of you entered the hotel. It was warm inside, a nice contrast to brisk winds you experienced on your way.

   "Yeah. Almost. You were there to keep me calm," he smiled at you, and once again you felt that strange, fuzzy feeling. What is wrong with me? You thought, trying to shake it away.

   You walked up to the woman at the front desk, requesting two different rooms. She tapped a few times on her keyboard, grabbing two room keys and running them through a tiny machine. She punched a few buttons before sliding them in a tiny holder and handed them to you two. "Thank you, third floor and to the right, please enjoy your stay," she said in a slight accent, and you thanked her.

   Hop led the way to the elevator, clicking the button that led to the third floor. The doors slid shut, and elevator music was playing softly in the background. "So, what is the plan for tomorrow?" Hop asked, and you shrugged.

   "I mean, we could try and challenge Kabu, but I bet we are a little bit early. We have kinda been rushing through the gyms."

   "Yeah," he agreed , "you have a point. Are we still heading to the second Galar mine?" He asked, to which you agreed. At that point, the elevator dinged, and the doors slid back open. Similar to last time, your rooms were opposite of each other. Hop paused before entering his, looking at you with a cheeky grin. "Should I expect you to end up on my couch again?"

   You rolled your eyes, laughing. "I don't think so, Hop. Good night."

   "Good night!"

   You shut the door behind you, instantly going to the bathroom . You slid off the shirt Hop gave you, folding it nicely and placing it on the sink. You smiled softly at it before finishing taking your close off and climbing in the shower. You hummed softly to yourself, getting out after you were finished. You finally were ready for bed, climbing under the covers and closing your eyes. It was only a matter of seconds before sleep washed over you.

   "(Y/N), your father is home!" You heard your mother call from the kitchen. You leaped out of your bed, running outside and flinging yourself into his arms. Your dad chuckled, giving you a giant hug and kissing the top of your head.

   "How has my flower been?" He smiled, and you giggled.

   "Great! Hop and I played with a bunch of Wooloo today! Then his mom made us lunch, and I came home right after because mom said you were almost home." You spilled out the happenings of that day, excitement coursing through you. Your dad was home, and you were thrilled.

   "That Hop seems to be a fine young man," your dad teased, ruffling the top of your head.

   "Daaad, stoooop. It isn't like that," you insisted , and he just chuckled again. Your mom came out to join the group hug, and you all stood there, a happy little family. You all hugged there in the embrace before you finally pulled away, itching to ask your dad a question. "Can you take me flying again? Pleaaaaaaseeee?" You begged.

   Your dad looked at your mum, and then back down to you. "If your mom says it is ok," he finally decided .

   "Please mum?" You turned to her, folding your hands together. She didn't even have to think this time. Once, many years ago, she would have hesitated. Now she understood that despite her concerns, you were completely safe as long as your father was with you.

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