Chapter Five

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   Your head felt fuzzy when you woke up, and your throat was a a tad bit dry. Not wanting to open your eyes, you tried remembering where you were. When you failed, you peeled them open the tiniest bit, your vision darting around the room. You were laying on a couch, a few blankets covering you to make sure you were warm. A pillow was placed under your head, and for being on a couch, you were extremely comfortable.

   Suddenly, the memories from last night came flooding back to you. Reading the letter from your dad and coming to Hop a crying mess. Embracing Hop in the dark hallway for a couple of minutes while you cried uncontrollably. Sitting on the couch in Hop's arms while you slowly fell asleep. He must've held you the whole time. Once he realized you were asleep, he probably set up this comfy area for you to stay so he didn't have to wake you up.

   Warmth flooded through you as you remembered all the things Hop had did for you the night before, and another feeling you couldn't quite explain. It was kind of like happiness, but mixed with something you couldn't grasp.

   You heard footsteps coming close, which could be nobody other than Hop. You still hadn't thought of what to say or anything, so you quickly closed your eyes and pretended to be asleep. This was a stroke of bad luck, considering Hop always slept later than you.
    "Oh (Y/N)... Such a reckless sleeper," you heard him mumble. He gently lifted your head and placed it back in the center of the pillow. Hop then covered you back up fully, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face. You felt warmth racing through you, head to toe. What was happening to you? "You had such a rough night last night...," He said before quietly walking away.

   You opened your eyes again, looking around once more. This time, considering you were more awake, you noticed a few more things. The curtains were pulled tightly shut, and you remembered complaining to Hop many times how light disturbed your sleep. A glass of water was placed on the table next to the couch, and next to it a few of the hotel's mints. A few more blankets were on the back of the couch, just in case you got cold and wanted another one. Why did he do all this?

  "(Y/N)! You're awake!" You didn't realize Hop had come back to check on you again, and cursed yourself. You still had no idea how to react.
   "Mmmm..," You mumbled, trying to pull off the half asleep card.

   Hop sat down in front of the couch, folding his hands on his lap. "How did you sleep?"

   You groggily wiped your eyes before answering, "good. What happened last night? Why am I still here?"

   He nodded with a soft smile. " Well..," Hop began, seeming to be struggling to find words. "You knocked my door at eleven last night, a complete wreck. I let you in, and you instantly started hugging me." You could've easily told him you remembered that part, but for some reason you wanted him to say it. "I asked if you wanted to sit down, and when you agreed, we went to the couch. You.. Cuddled?" You felt your face grow warm as he continued , "if that's the right word, up next to me. I held you while you cried, but a little bit before midnight you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you up after what happened, I figured sleep was the best way for you to escape. So... I set up this couch bed and let you stay in here," he finished .

   You let out a hmpfh sound, taking in every word he said. "I'm sorry if bothered you or woke you up last night."

   "(Y/N), no. You never bother me with things like that. You can always come to me if you need help. All that I care about is seeing you better. "

   You felt heat return to your face as you sat up, yawning and attempting to run your fingers through your hair. "Ugh... Why didn't you tell me my hair was a tangled mess?" You joked.

   Hop laughed. "That seemed the worst of your concerns."

    You felt a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth, standing up. Your legs still felt a little weak, and you were extremely light headed. You stumbled forward, but Hop was up in a flash to catch you.

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