The Epilogue

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The sky was changing it's hue,
I felt the burden of the payments I had due;
The world was ready to muse,
But I was busy repairing my system's fuse;
The sun was already half way down,
I wondered about the last time I had walked through the town;
The flowers were going to sleep,
But my life was restricted to these machines and their beep-beep;

I wanted to live a life,
I wanted to continue to strive,
I wanted to die,
In my grave peacefully I wanted to lie,
I wanted to love,
I wanted to be like the pair of doves,
I wanted the dagger,
Just to stab myself infront of the crowd that had gathered,

I wanted to fly,
I wanted to cry,
I wanted to flee,
I wanted to reach out to my destiny;
But none of these ever came to me:
I have no more miles to go before I sleep,
Only dreams and destiny have hit me,
I will end my life here in this room,
I have truly been doomed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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