Chapter 2. Pack that away

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Both David and Gwen noticed Max's off behavior,but the didn't wanna pry and just decided to play it off as he was sad to leave his friends,David knew otherwise but he went to his cabin to pack his stuff. Instead of packing though he just read a book, he could pack any time,he had to stay til all the campers left and some parents would definitely be late.
Max packed his stuff into his tattered backpack. He didn't have much,just some shirts,shorts,socks, swimming shorts,and his bear. He got his bag on,running to David's cabin and knocking on the door "David!"
David was still reading his book but he couldn't focus and kept reading the same paragraph over and over. He took a few of his antidepressants to help him calm down and concentrate, but he stopped when he heard a knock on the door and a voice call out his name.
He walked over to the door and opened it, giving Max a tired smile "Hey, Max. Need something? Are your parents here already?" he asked. He had struggled to take care of the kids with his depression, but he tried his best to make sure the kids a least enjoyed it here, at this so called camp, even if he hated it. Seeing the kids happy kind of made him happy. Though Max's happy attitude brought him a sudden burst of joy. He'd always looked out for kid,seeing him as a son.He was extra caring and protecting of him. He didn't want him to end up like him, struggling to be happy and forced to take pills like him. It didn't look like it would happen any time soon, with his constant chipper attitude, but he always kept that in mind. Max hugged David the moment the door opened. "No they aren't here,I just came to say..goodbye" David crouched down,hugging the boy "Max, people aren't leaving for about another hour or so,what's wrong" David could see through max easily,the kid was bad at lying. The kid spoke quietly "I..I'm just gonna miss it here..I don't..I don't wanna go yet David. I wanna stay here..with you and Gwen.."
It was one of the few moments he broke down his wall of happiness,he was scared..he wanted to stay happy and safe at camp or with David..but he knew deep down it was just a dream. He would never get to stay with David.
David frowned,listening to the boy in silence. He took a moment before he let out a sigh. "I know kid, I know..." he felt horrible that he had to go through this. No kid should. Unfortunately he really couldn't do anything about it, so he just tried to give him what he didn't have during his time at camp. He tried to give the kid a happy,relaxing filled summer. he tried acting strong for max,acting like a stable adult.
After a few moments of silence David stood up and max stepped back.
"How about we go to the main field and play games with the others"
Max nodded half heartedly. David let out a soft sigh and closed the cabin door,walking with the boy to the main field.
Gwen and the other campers were already there,Gwen explaining what they'd be doing. All the kids bags were in a pile and max placed his bag in said pile before running to the group of kids.
David stood by a tree and watched everyone. Soon laughter was heard as all the kids played tag,a classic childhood game. Max was the first to be it and seemed to be enjoying the game. He laughed and smile. Even Gwen was playing with the kids.
The laughter and game continued for a few hours before kids started to slowly get picked up. By then everyone was crying and hugging as they said their goodbyes.
By then it was 4:30pm and only one camper was left..max.
David had assured Gwen she could go home,knowing she had a long drive. David promised he could stay until max was picked up,he had nothing better to do.
There had been no sign of the boys parents,no call,nothing. David got up from where he was sitting,walking to max "Hey Max... did your parents not pick you up yet?" he wondered aloud a trace of anger in his tone.
"I..I don't think they're gonna show up David.." he mumbled,looking down to avoid eye contact. His voice was cracking and sounded like he was speaking through tears.
The boy who never seemed to cry,except on parents day..was crying again..but this time his founded sounded more broken and painful.
David stood silently,looking at max. He nervously crouched down,opening his arms to give him a hug.
The boy immediately hugged David,crying softly "can..can I borrow your phone and call my mom,please"
David nodded and stood up "let me get your papers and get her phone number"
Max shook his head "It's fine,I know her number by heart"
David nodded again and gave max his phone "would you..would you put it on speaker for me" David wanted to hear the excuse for why mad hadn't been picked up yet.
Max nodded again and dialed the phone number,out it on speaker, and letting it ring.
He was terrified,praying his mother wouldn't answer,sadly that didn't happen.
Just before it would go to voicemail,Max's mom answered which seemed to brighten Max's spirits "hey mom! It's me max. I'm sorry for bugging you-"
why did he have to be so polite,apologizing to his bitch of a mom.
"-but,you were supposed to pick me up an hour ago an-"
he was cut off as his mother began shouting through the phone

"Why the hell are you bugging me you brat?! I'm picking you up tomorrow. I'm to damn busy to come get you. So either wait or take a fucking bus home"
his mom sounded drunk
"I have more important things to do max! You know you're a last priority!"

Max's mood seemed to shift back to being sad again as he dealt with the shouting "right..sorry..I lo-"
he was cut off as she hung up on him.
"I love you..."
he murmured sadly,handing the phone to David.
David's blood boiled. He couldn't believe that so called "mother" had the audacity to talk to him like that! He couldn't hold himself together and soon snapped. swiping the phone from Max, immediately calling them back. He ordered Max to stay in the room while he stormed outside, ready to give them hell for what they said to him.
His mom answered again. She sounded angrier this time
"max what the fuck do you want?! I told you! YOU ARE LAST PRIORITY!" She shouted.
Max had opened the cabin door slightly,listening and watching nervously.

David balled up his fists,clutching the phone "Hey! What makes you think you can talk to a fucking child like that, you piece of shit?"
David shouted, fuming from anger. He was so pissed, and he was going to let them have it.
"And who the fuck are you?!"
She demanded,her voice slurred. The alcohol could practically be smelt through the phone.
"I'm one of the Camp counselors,Davis. Now, why do you think it's okay to talk to him like that? He's your fucking son!" he was sureMax could hear him shouting,but he was to pissed to care. He couldn't stand anyone talking to kids that way.
Max walked outside nervously,panicking about the shouting,tugging on David's pant leg "David..just forget it please. I'll just take a bus home,okay?"
"He's my fucking mistake! I can talk to him however I want so just fucking leave it alone. You're nothing but a stupid camp counselor!"
"Why can't you just treat him with respect, you bitch!?" he screamed into the phone. When he felt mad tug on his pants he froze,looking down at him.
"Max,can you please go back inside the cabin? I promise it'll be okay and I'll be off the phone soon,and you aren't taking a bus home."
"David just forget it please..and stop yelling please.."
David turned back to phone,ignoring max. He wasn't letting the kid take a bus home and he wasn't calmed down.
"Because that little fucking mistake doesn't deserve respect! I'm done talking about it." She hung up again
David screamed in frustration before putting the phone away and taking deep breaths to calm himself.
He led Max back to the cabin and he swallowed a few more antidepressant pills. He wasn't supposed to have any more then his recommended amount,however, it wasn't like he was going to die if he had a few more
Max watched David sadly,sighing
"I can just take a bus's fine..I promise"
"No max! You aren't taking a bus home!" David snapped
Mad flinched and looked down and nodded
David sighed "look max, let's go to my apartment and tomorrow we'll sort this out,Alright?"
Max nodded "okay.."
David smiled
The two got in the car and drove home. By now it was dark and max was asleep. David sighed,he hoped he'd sleep fine tonight. He hoped max would sleep fine.
He got home after an hour and took max inside. He decided to just let max sleep in bed with him.
Soon David was asleep,holding max close and snoring softly.

It's okay,I think. (Camp camp,Dadvid reversed au)Where stories live. Discover now