Chapter Thirteen

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*Name of the Artist*
(Name of the song)
                               _His First July

Chapter Thirteen



Something no one should take lightly. When you plan, you know what you're doing, you know what you want. It helps keep your life on track, helps you think straight. Keeps you from getting confused when something pops up out of the blue. 

Allow me to relate this concept to myself. Ever since I learned to operate a technological device, I started planning. It really helped put my life on track, since I knew when I was doing things, and where I was going to go. But then my parents changed everything by bringing highschool into the mix. 

I had to revisit my plans to make a not so slight change. Here in highschool, there's a limit to where my life could go, since I had no idea what tomorrow brings. I didn't know if I'd meet new students, if I'd talk to someone new, or if I'd trip on my steps in the hallway, falling face flat on the ground. 

Without highschool, I knew what to expect. Wake up, work out, eat what I'm supposed to, fill up my systems with routine pills, bury my head in books, write about 200 words of my book, since there was actually nothing interesting to tell about me. But now, I do have stories to tell because, each day, something new happens, and it's really hard to have a straight plan when at any minute, something would come up, forcing you to change it. 

This only made me wonder... Was this how it felt to have a life? Does having a life make you feel uncertain of the future because of the change and turns of events? How many chances do we have in life? What could we have done differently to have a better ending? What could we have done differently? 

It was interesting, to me at least. 

I get to ask questions, and see the answers bouncing all around me. In the faces and body language of everyone. 

Before highschool, I used to think planning is what makes everything in life perfect, since well... It prepares us for the future, gives us a good idea of where we'd be years from our current year... But now, life just...goes. You can have a plan today, and the next, it's all ruined. You just have to let life lead you to the perfect plan. 

A smile grazed my lips as I stopped in front of my locker, quickly applying my thumbprint and shoving my bag inside. My good mood today had so many reasons behind it, one, Dany, two, my first period is free... Three, well... computer lab, here I com-"

"Hey Col, do you think I'm fat?" 

I turned immediately towards the direction of the voice. 

Mandy stood in front of me, her hand feeling up her cheeks. 

"No? Not at all." I answered truthfully.

She sighed, dropping both her hands. "My Mom thinks I've gained weight. And I feel like I have. I don't even eat anymore just to keep in shape. Everyone else is so perfect, they can eat whatever they like and still remain that way, but I can't. My Mom would kill me if she sees me eating anything with fat in it. I don't know why I have to be so perfect for a future I'm so not interested in. How can your parents decide what you're going to do after highschool? Can you even believe they don't want me to go to college, they just want to push me right into the entertainment industry. Which I'm already on, I'm heading to one million followers on Instagram, and my account is already verified, I'm a tik tok star, I've tried my best, but they want more!

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