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To my parents, who always push me to strive for my personal best.

To my older brother, who I have always admired and will continue to as long as I live.

To Aditi, Sonali, Ritu, Eesha, Naisha, Gabby, Kristina, Caroline, Mia, and Maia for being my best friends through thick and thin.

To Akina, who is one of my best (and only) long-distance friends.

To all my online friends, especially Aliza and Reese for literally being my whole world.

To my chronic illness (yes, really), for shaping me into the person I am today.

And last but not least, to you, the reader, for taking time out of your day and reading this story. It truly means so much to me.

I, of course, couldn't name everyone in my life that I am eternally grateful to, but trust me, you are in my heart.

Okay, sorry, I'll go now. Enjoy reading!

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