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The royal mint was a place of my dreams where I was finally working after all of my efforts.

This all happened due to my sheer confidence and my pure hard work. Plus a tip on how to please Mr.Arturo Roman from  Monica. But that was a secret that I had to keep from all the other girls who had also interviewed for the job.

However, that was not the most important secret that I had to keep while working on my job.
There was another twisted,heart-breaking and sensitive secret.

The one that involved Arturo and Monica. And sex.

As long as I kept my mouth, I was good to go. Nevertheless, Monica was my friend and I could see that she truly loved Mr.Roman.

Today, was a normal day at the mint. Everyone that I worked with were all joyous people which made me love my job even more.

I worked as Arturo's Secretary hence I even had the privilege to call him by his first name.Monica was also his assistant but she was usually busy with other 'stuff ' hence I dealt with all of the work. Nevertheless, I was happy.

Disturbing our beautiful, cheerful, bright day was the vexatious sound of gun shots.

"Don't even fucking dare try to run!!!" The energetic voice of a lady was heard. "Hands up!Walk  to the hall and don't try to do anything stupid. We don't want to hurt you guys."

After a few antagonizing minutes, we were all assembled in  the hall. We were told to stand in organised lines. The thieves gave us masks to prevent us from seeing them.

My heart was hammering inside my ribcage and I immediately recalled my experience in such situations. Bad. My breathing went unusual as I tried to keep my calm. But how could I do that with criminals around me holding guns?!

My hands started shaking a little and the sobbing and crying of a few people did not help any of our minds.

"Good morning people...." a beautiful voice trailed off. God! what are you thinking Alisha, they are criminals and you cannot think about criminals like this.

"I would like to start with apologies. This is clearly not a good way to start the day of the week." Footsteps could be heard indicating that someone was walking between us.

"I would like to clarify that ,I am the leader! If you follow our orders correctly and do not do anything rebellious then I assure you that there will be no blood shed!" The sound of the guns bullets being placed into it made my blood run cold.

"There is no need to be scared. We can co-operate with each other and there will be no reason to worry."

The violent shaking of a women next to me made the man stand in front of her. "Don't worry ma'am. Here ..." he trails off again. "Do these hands feel like a monster's to you?"

"No..oo..they don't"

"Which exactly proves my point that we are harmless." He assures us.

What kind of criminals sympathize with their hostages? Guess they must be different. At least they have clarified that won't kill us. That thought made me calm down a little as I was sure of my safety and the othef hostages.

"Now!" The man clapped his hands trying to signal something.
"You can remove your blind folds."

I removed my blind fold to see beautiful brown eyes, already staring into mine. Those orbs spoke a thousand words yet I could not interpret a thing. I moved my eyes and slowly examined the man's face.

To say that he was handsome was an understatement. His skin was  pale white and almost as soft as butter. His brown orbs the colour of pure soil. And his pink lips... He was like a peice of art in a museum. An artefact.  A fallen Angel.

No Alisha!! What are you thinking? He is a criminal. You cannot call a criminal handsome and think of him in this way!! These thoughts constantly rang in my mind as I continued my stare off with him. It was not a stare of battle. It was more of a stare where I was trying to figure out what was going  on in the man's head. He wore a red jump suit just  like the rest of his accomplices. Yet,somehow,he managed to look like a God!

As if brought back from a sense of deep thinking, the handsome man cleared his throat and began talking again. I realised what I had been doing and I felt myself  blush as the colour red was almost visible on my cheeks.

"Apologies for my behaviour. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Berlin."


Finally,  I have done one imagine.
I have been dying to write . I have many ideas but the thing is lack of time . Anyways I have done my best  I could.

Do not hesitate to rectify any of my mistakes.

♡₩ D ₩♡

BERLIN~La Casa De Papel||Money Heist✔Where stories live. Discover now