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Here I stood, all dressed in white at a wedding. This day would change my life. For the better or for the worse.

It was the wedding of my best friend, Andrés, and Tatiana. Unfortunately.


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Pathetic. That's what I felt right now. Being in love with Andres for two bloody years and standing at his wedding felt pathetic.

Andrés had four failed marriages. Each wife he left due to pregnancy. Yet I had not mustered up the courage to tell him about my feelings.

I look through the table to find a strong drink that will enable me to go through this tough day.

"Caríno! Come dance with us. What are you doing here?" He walks towards me cheerfully exposing his million dollar smile.

At times I thought he loved me back. With the nick names only couples use for one another. With his touching which send fire around my body. And his constant staring. Yet it could all just be in my fucking mind.

I finally found a strong bottle of alcohol and I began to speak. "What?!I can't even have a drink on my best friends wedding." I asked bitterly with a smile standing on my face contradicting my statement.

He nods understandingly and I pour both of us a drink. We both take a sip and look at the people dancing.

Fear. That was the feeling was running in my mind. What if she was the one? What if he wanted a child with her? What if they never got divorced?

"Do you know,what the beauty about a wedding is, beautiful?" He stares at the side of my face.

"No,I don't."I put up a smile not wanting to ruin his perfect day. Even though he has experienced it four times already.

"The fact that two people are getting bonded yet everyone else is happy and dancing." He answers casually.

"Well..." I trail off turning towards him and facing him.

"Happy marriage to you and may this one last." I laugh and give him a hug.

He immediately returns it and we stand there for minutes just enjoying our moment. His hands in my waist sending heat all around my body.

"Look at you two hugging as if its the last time your seeing each other.." Sergios voice booms.

"Spending the last years of my life with my wife in honey moon. These might be the last days I might see all of you. Considering my illness." Andrés states sipping his drink again.

His illness. I almost forgot about it. My heart broke at the sound of his words. He was going to die and I could do nothing about it. I could not even spend his last years with him.

"I am thinking about a little adventure..." my voice cracked.

"I am going to Berlin."

"When?" He asks as his face holds an expression of sadness.

"Tonight."I gazed away to look at Sergio who looked as sad as me.

"Care to join?Sergi."

Sergio nods approving my idea. I smile happily as I think about the fun we would have. Without Andrés.

Nevertheless,I needed to do this. For Tatiana, for Andrés and for me.

I hug Andrés once again, whispering into his ears." I will miss you and never forget that I love you. Bella Ciao!"


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