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Sergio was the most fun person to be around. Second to Andrés. Remembering him, my heart ached. Here I spent my days missing him while he would be enjoying himself with his wife.

Truly, life is not fair.

I missed him and I could do nothing about it. I thought leaving him would help me get over him but it only became worse. I even started getting dreams of him!

After spending a few years with Sergio in Berlin, he left to see the man who held my heart. Sergio even offered for me to tag along but I politely declined not ready to see him yet.

Sergio now going by the name 'proffesor' had invited me to a deal that i could not decline.

The biggest heist in Spain. Robbing the Royal mint of Spain.
But what I didn't know was that he was also going to be there.

When I first walked into the room, I hadn't noticed him. I sat down and looked at everyone. I analysed everyone as my eyes stopped at the man sitting next to me.

My breath hitched in my throat. It was as if I was seeing in slow motion. He slowly turned towards me and a smirk formed on his face. I was baffled. He was here. Not my imagination. Not my dream. Reality. Period.

I let out a smile and waved at him.


"Nice to finally see you again,caríno." He poured out his words, sweet as honey.

My gaze went to his hand which was waiting for mine, mid air.
And that's when I noticed. No ring.

I stared for a bit longer and finally broke out of my imagination and greeted him.

The proffesor explained to us the plan and the fact that we were going to stay hidden for 5 months before the heist. He gave us some particular rules which we needed to follow to ensure the heist to be successful.

One particular rule srtuck out. No relationships.

Of course I was saddened by this. No wedding ring meaning I finally had the chance to get with Andrés.

I sighed as I knew I couldn't break the rules. Honestly, I wasn't a rule breaker. But he was.

Following the rule, proffesor told us to use city names. I chose Venis.

Ironically, the bastard next to me chose Berlin. As if to just tease me. He clearly knew how much i had loved that city. And he chose it. Asswhole.

We all spent more time together in the five months. I got to know many things about my fellows; Nairobi,Tokyo,Rio,Denver,Moscow,Helsinki,Oslo and The professor.

It was weird for me calling Andrés and Sergio with other names. But eventually I got used to it.

In the five months, something very unexpected happened. Something that i had longed for my whole life.

Berlin proposed to me!

He asked me to be his wife which was the most surprising thing to ever occur in my life. I could not believe he had proposed. And the worst thing was how I fainted after he asked me to marry him.

It all started with a normal day where the proffesor was telling us about the heist and how to escape any dangerous situations.

Later that night we all celebrated. Alcohol, food and music. No-one could refuse this celebration, not even proffesori.

That night I ended up with Berlin in hi room, remencing about all our olden good times. Talking about Martin, Sergio,his mother and even Tatiana.

The alcohol was taking over me as I was dancing like a crazy person and that was in front of Berlin!

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my waist. My whole body felt warmth just at the familiar touch.

"Caríno, you need to calm down a little. Your dancing in this state could be harmful for you!" He mumbles as his lips touch my ears making me shiver. God, how much i had longed for his touch.

I moved a little far so that I could see his face. My eyes bore into his. It was as if I was lost and no-one could find me. I was drowning and I absolutely loved it.

I felt myself in a sense of euphoria. His eyes just seemed to bring me a kind of happiness which was out of this world.

It was now or never. Even though he was already leaning in, I pushed myself on his and joined our lips.

To say that i was in a sense of euphoria before would be an understatement. At the moment, our tongues danced as he pressed more into the kiss.

Our bodies so close radiating heat made me feel like I was on cloud 9.

"I love you..." I told him as I looked at him breaking the kiss.

He squeezed my waist and stared at me.

"I love you too.."

"I don't want to lose you ever..." he goes on one knee. I become sober yet feeling drunk due to his lovely words.

Was he proposing?! My mind was going haywire with questions and my heartwas going haywire with feelings.

"Will you marry me?"

I stayed silent just staring at him. I wanted to reply to him but I felt bile getting stuck on my throat.

I made him stand up and he looked confused.

His figure started getting fuzzy and I couldn't see clear any more.

"Ye....yes" I smile as I see black going into a state of eternal bliss. He wanted to marry me. I could not believe it.

Finally, I was gonna be Mrs.Fonsolla.

I hope I met your expectations @thicbooty

Love Berlin.


♡₩ D ₩♡

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