Part Three

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Jungkook sent a quick thankful prayer to whoever was taking care of him from above, thankful that Namjoon hadn't woken in up in those five minutes that Jungkook had completely lost himself.

What he didn't know, was that RM was crimson red from embarrassment at the thought of what just happened.

Crap crap crap crap crap, was all that went through Namjoon's mind as the night drawled on for hours on end.

What the fuck was that?? Namjoon was freaking out as Jungkook's even, soft breaths fell on the sensitive skin of his neck. The maknae had passed out quickly after... his release... but he kept a tight hold on his leader throughout the night. Now, it was Namjoon's breaths that labored as he kept replaying Jungkook's actions in his head.

He remembered literally being pushed awake from sleep. Confused, Namjoon had checked the time, noticing he hadn't slept for long. It was barely midnight. Namjoon ignored the action and tried to fall back asleep, thinking Jungkook might have accidentally pushed into him in his sleep.

Oh boy, how wrong he was.

Not even two seconds later, Namjoon was pushed again. And that's when he realized that the only part of his body that had felt pressure was his stomach, were Jungkook's hands were tightly holding him to the point it was getting hard to breath, and his ass.

Wait. My ass?

Another push, and that's when he distinctly felt it. His maknae's dick had just grinded into his behind. Hard.

Namjoon, being the naive man he was, tried to relax his fast beating heart. It's normal. Guys get hard in their sleep. He's dreaming and he's holding onto me, so it's understandable that he's grinding into me. It's okay.

"Namjoon hyunggg." Jungkook groaned as he thrusted back up into Namjoon, harder than before. Namjoon felt his breath knocked out of him and he realized that Jungkook wasn't dreaming.

Oh fuck oh fuck. What do I do?? Namjoon freaked as he kept hearing his maknaes moans and hard breaths behind him. Namjoon thought about turning around and stopping Jungkook, but he didn't want to embarrass him and ruin their relationship. But he also didn't want the younger to just use his body as he pleased.

And there was also the thing about his own dick.

Namjoon couldn't control it. It's a normal human function. At least that's what he told himself. He was getting hard as he heard his maknae moan behind him. His voice, just like in singing, was ethereal while he pleased himself using his leader's body. Namjoon so badly wanted to touch himself, for the second time that day, but he couldn't let Jungkook know he was awake.

First Jimin and now Jungkook? Why am I having such dirty thoughts of my members? Namjoon scolded himself as he remembered how he lost himself in the shower. He prayed to god it didn't happen here again.

"Hngg," Jungkook moaned as he thrusted for the last time into Namjoon's plump ass. Namjoon froze as he felt Jungkook cum behind him, the moisture pooling in the back of his shorts, and release the vice like grip he had on his waist.

Jungkook's labored breaths fell onto Namjoon's neck, making shivers course through the leader's willing body.

This is how he was here. Cursing in his head, counting down the minutes until it was six in the morning when he had to wake the rest of the members to start their long day, replaying this scene in his head over and over again.

What the fuck?

He wonder what Jungkook was thinking?! He knew Namjoon was a light sleeper, but it hadn't seemed as he cared since he was moaning in his ear the whole time!

Does he like me? Namjoon actually pondered the question. It would explain why he was moaning his name.

Nah. Namjoon shrugged it off as impossible. It can't be. Jungkook isn't gay.

It was a miracle RM was able to doze off for two hours that night.

The alarm beeped loudly in the leader's ear. He groaned as he reached out his long, tanned arm to turn it off. He was about to get up from the bed to start getting ready for the day, but something pulled him back to the bed the moment he tried to stand up.

No, not something. Someone.

"Don't go yet." Jungkook whines as he pulled Namjoon back into his strong chest. This time, Namjoon was facing JK's face, so they were chest to chest. Jungkook's eyes were still closed, his face puffy from sleep, but being the Golden Maknae, he still looked good. Not fair, Namjoon pouted. Namjoon knew Jungkook wasn't fully awake yet, but his heart couldn't help but thump inside of his rib cage wildly. He was sure Jungkook could feel it through his chest.

It wasn't fair how Jungkook was acting all cute after he did... that sinful thing... yesterday!

He hadn't forgotten what happened last night, so it only made him more anxious as JK's face laid only centimeters away from his, his beautiful pink lips parted just slightly.

"A couple of more minutes," Jungkook continued in his groggy morning voice as he held a frozen Namjoon in his arms. How is he acting like nothing happened? Namjoon wondered. This was only proven further when the maknae scooted closer to his leader to settle his face on the crook of his leaders neck.

Namjoon died.

Right then and there, his soul left out of his body as he just saw the cutest thing in the world.

Get a grip Namjoon!! He molested you last night!!

Well, he didn't say no, but he also didn't say yes.

Aish! Just get up!

With that thought, Namjoon was quick to get up from the bed, hastily removing his maknaes hands from around his waist. Jungkook whined, but he still hasn't opened his eyes. He reached his arms out blindly, searching around for his hyung without opening his eyes.

"J-Jungkook get up, we have to eat breakfast," Namjoon cursed at himself for stuttering.

Jungkook sprawled onto the couch in a starfish position. He groaned as he rubbed his eyes with a fist, his eyebrows scrunched in a cute way.

Cute? You just called him cute? Namjoon was in a gay panic and he didn't know how to get out of it.

This was going to be a long day.

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