Part Five

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Namjoon, taking in everyone's shocked expressions, tried to fix his outburst by saying, "I mean, no, since, you know,  you- umm- should spend the day editing your G-GCFs like you t-told me you wanted to do last week. This is your chance to d-do it! Isn't it?" Namjoon was basically hyperventilating as he tried to make an excuse for JK to not, absolutely not, join them. He was still realing from his memories from last night and he didn't think he would be able to sit on a bed with Jungkook without getting extremely flustered ever again.

Fuck, Namjoon really messed up this time.

After the whole outburst at the breakfast table, Namjoon felt as guilty as ever.

He was currently sitting down on the plush bedsheets with Jimin, with both of their backs to the wall and their legs spread out in front of them. The movie's audio and Jimin's munching on popcorn was barely processing in Namjoon's brain. His mind was still stuck at the breakfast table, his mind racing with ways to forget what happened last night and how to make his outburst up to Jungkook. He didn't want his maknae to feel bad that Namjoon basically flat out refused to hang out with him.

He was shaken from his thoughts when Jimin suddenly threw some popcorn at his face, hitting him square in the eye. "Hey! What was that for?" Namjoon cried out as he rubbed the sore spot of his face, a pout on his lips.

Cute, Jimin thought to himself, loving the way Namjoon's thick lips puckered out like that. "That's for not paying attention to the movie and not hearing what I said," Jimin snickered as a look of regret plastered itself on the leader's face. "You promised to hang out with me but you're practically on another world!" Jimin whined exaggeratedly, gaging a reaction from his hyung.

Namjoon turned his body so he was facing his maknae. "I'm sorry, I'll stop. I promised to hang out with you, so that's what we're gonna do!" He said confidently, a look of determination on his face. It made Jimin coo inwardly.

In the outside however, he was still whining as he said, "Too late, you have to make it up to me." He tried not to smirk as Namjoon's innocent face turned into a confused one.

"I can buy the snacks next time if you want," Namjoon tried to comprise, hating it when any of his members were upset with him.

Jimin sighed loudly, making sure he let Namjoon know that that wasn't good enough. Jimin cackled inside of his mind, knowing just how well to manipulate his leader into doing what he wanted him to do. And boy, did he have an imagination.

"Umm, what about lunch? I can buy you lunch?" Namjoon offered as the maknae looked off in dismay. Namjoon was racking his brain to find a way to make it up to the maknae, coming short of ideas, since the ones he just stated always used to work to make Jimin happy. What does he want? Namjoon wondered curiously.

Jimin sighed again, trying to cover up a small laugh as he saw the face of concentration from his hyung. He finally turned to face Namjoon, a sad look on his face as he said, "A kiss?" He pointed to his puckered our lips.

The look on Namjoon's face was priceless.

He parted his lips in a silent 'o' and Jimin almost burst out in laughter, but he didn't because he had to keep up the image of being upset to convince his hyung.

"A k-kiss?" Namjoon stuttered as he looked at his maknae in complete shock. Then the request settled in his head, and he completely flushed. His cheeks shined a bright red that brought only satisfaction to the younger. I made him like that, Jimin thought to himself, smirking.

Namjoon looked away from the maknae's fake pleading face, thinking hard about the request. He was obviously struggling to wrap his head around what Jimin asked him to do, and it only ignited the fire Jimin had within him to get the leader to do as he wanted.

"Come on hyung," Jimin drawled our the 'hyung' as he clasped his hands around Namjoon's arm, pulling him toward his chest slightly. "It's just a kiss on the cheek. No biggie."

Namjoon didn't meet Jimin's eyes, in complete embarrassment. Kiss his member? Even if it was on the cheek, it was an intimate gesture. He got hugging, but kissing? They'd never done that.

"And it would make me supperrr happy," Jimin sang in a sing-songy voice. And that's all it took to break Namjoon's resolve.

"Really?" Namjoon asked hesitantly, but then nodded to himself. It's just a cheek on the kiss Namjoon. It's not like you're kissing him in the lips or anything.

Jimin, this time, could not hide the large grin that spread across his face as he saw a look of determination settled into his hyungs features. He was determined to make Jimin happy, and Jimin was completely bashing in the fact.

Jimin let out a little squeal of excitement as he sat up from the bed and settle on his knees on top of the comforter. "Yay!" He yelled as he crawled over to a still Namjoon, sitting down on his outstretched thighs, Jimin's knees on either side of Namjoon's.

Namjoon tried not to think of the position much as he took a hold of Jimin's shoulders and started to lean in. Jimin smiles brightly as he turned his head to the side, presenting his cheek to the leader, a slight, barely noticeable, blush on his face.

At the last second, the door to the room burst open.  "Hyung! I finished, now we can all watch the mov-"

Jungkook's sentence was cut short as he took in the scene in front of him. Jimin had turned to the direction of the door, making Namjoon accidentally kiss the side of his mouth. Namjoon was stunned as he realized Jimin had moved his head, resulting in him pecking the younger on the lips. Jimin didn't seem to mind as he looked at the maknae that stood frozen at the door. Namjoon released his hold on Jimin's shoulder as he took in the appearance of the maknae and tried to detach himself from Jimin in a haste, his cheeks even a brighter pink at the situation.

"Jungkook!" Namjoon shrieked as he noticed Jungkook's labored breathing, as if he had rushed through his editing and ran here as fast as possible. Jungkook wasn't looking at him though. His piercing glare was directed to the second oldest, his eyes speaking a thousand threats. Jimin only smirked as he hopped off Namjoon's lap, staring right back at Jungkook with a playful gaze.

Namjoon was confused about the tension in the air, but he could barely process it as his mind was clouded with embarrassment and shyness. I kissed him, I kissed him, I kissed him. Namjoon would be lying to himself if he said he didn't know that was going to happen. Still, he sat stunned in the bed, a hand to his lips as if to check they were still attached to his face as Jungkook gripped the door knob.

He was seething, once more, because of Jimin. Jimin smirked noticing the way the maknaes hands balled up into fists at his sides.

Now this is going to be fun, Jimin thought.

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