Chapter 11 - The Letter

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Sydney's POV:

My adoptive mother was sitting beside me on the couch, her arm around my shoulders as I struggled with all that she had told me. When Daphne and Blaise had told me about the Dadzie line on the train, I was intrigued, but quickly dismissed the thought of being the daughter of Katarina Dadzie, especially since her daughters had been killed.

"Why does the wizarding world think that Katarina's - mum's - daughters are dead?" I asked.

"It was for protection," Jean answered. "Dumbledore knew that you and your sisters were alive: he delivered each of you to your respective new families. But he was the only one. He claimed to have arrived in time to apprehend Lestrange, but not to save any of you. He didn't ever want us to tell you the truth, but I owed it to Katarina. You deserve to know."

"Do I have a middle name?" I suddenly asked in curiosity.

"Yes," said Jean. "Sydney Isolt Dadzie. Katarina said that Isolt had something to do with your ancestry."

At this point, dad had returned to the room. He had left while mum had explained everything. Dad was carrying a large black book and a small, silver box. He placed both on the table in front of me.

"Your mother left this box and the letter inside the book for you," he explained. "The book is a scrapbook with photos from your mum and dad."

I immediately grabbed the book and set aside the envelope to read later. Inside were many wizarding and muggle photos alike, and I could recognize some of them as having been taken at Hogwarts.

"That's Kat, and Jeffery - " mum began to explain as we flipped through. "Remus, Sirius, Peter, James, Lily, Alice, Frank, Mia, Narcissa, Minerva - " I was shocked to see a couple of photos of Professor McGonagall, including some where she was holding a baby.

I continued flipping through the book in mostly silence, smiling as I drank in the sight of my real parents' Hogwarts years, blossoming romance, and the birth of myself and my sisters.

"What ever became of my sisters?" I asked, lingering on a photo of the three of us in matching outfits, playing with some other babies who I guessed were Neville, Harry, and Hermione.

"I don't know," my adoptive mum answered with a sigh. "Dumbledore refused to say. I'm sorry."

When I had finished looking through the scrapbook, I reached over and opened the box to find a locket. The clasp immediately came undone the moment that I touched it, and I opened the locket to see a picture of my parents on their wedding day on the left, and of three little girls on the right.

"You're in the middle," mum said, pointing. "And that's Sylvie on the left, and Skylar on the right."

"Thank you for telling me the truth," I said, closing the locket and placing it around my neck. I hugged her and my adoptive dad before taking the envelope and heading up to my room.

* * * * *

I paced slightly, looking at the envelope in my hands. My real mum had written this to me. With shaking hands, I opened the envelope and pulled out the single piece of parchment.

My dearest Sydney,

If you are receiving this, it is because you are under the care of my best friend, Jean Granger. First, I would like to say that I am sorry that I was unable to be there for you as you grew up. I requested Jean to give this to you once you received your acceptance letter to Hogwarts, or after I died if you'd already been to Hogwarts.

Secondly, I want to say how proud I am of the beautiful young woman that I know you are destined to be. While I may not be able to be with you in person, please know that your father and I are watching over you and rooting for you in every step of your life.

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