Chapter 3 - The Hogwarts Express

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Sydney's POV:

The next two weeks flew by. Hermione and I poured over our course books and began practicing some of the simpler spells, finding that they all worked perfectly. Hermione had successfully repaired my father's glasses, and I had learned a colour-changing spell that helped us get ahead on some of our planned re-painting of the house, including the bedroom where Hermione and I stayed. We had agreed to change the colour of our bedsheets to purple, while the walls were a light turquoise colour.

The evening before we were due to go to Hogwarts, my parents brought me down to the living room.

"There's something really important we have to discuss," said mum, wringing her hands anxiously.

"It's about my last name, isn't it?" I asked.

Both of them looked stunned.

"I sort of overheard part of your conversation with Professor McGonagall," I explained sheepishly. "She said that I have to choose to go by Dadzie or Granger?"

"Yes," dad said. "They don't typically use hyphenated names at Hogwarts."

"And you want me to use Granger," I stated.

"The name Dadzie has a history," mum said. "It's one of the most well-known names within the wizarding world. If anyone were to make the connection, or believe that you were a Dadzie, you could be in danger."

"How can a name cause danger?" I questioned, confused. "What is it about my name that is so important?"

"It's because of your mother," explained dad. "She, and your ancestors, have a long-lasting legacy at Hogwarts and within the wizarding world. We want you to have a chance to make your own legacy, without stepping into one that you know nothing about."

"That makes sense," I sighed. "But I still want to know more."

"I know, sweetie," said mum, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "And I promise you that we will explain everything and answer all of your questions next summer, if you promise not to go digging while you are at school. If you use the name Granger, people won't look twice at you. You'll just be another student. You'll have the chance to make your own name, without the connotations of Dadzie."

"Fine," I agreed. "I'll use Granger for this year, and I won't go looking. But I'll hold you to that promise. Next summer, I want answers."

My parents nodded.


The next morning, Hermione and I were awake very early. Our trunks were already packed with everything we would need for Hogwarts (and then some). McGonagall was coming to get us at 10:00am to escort us to the platform.

The four of us had a quick breakfast, with mum giving Hermione and I some snacks for the ride to Hogwarts. Hermione and I triple-checked our trunks, before dad helped us move them downstairs.

As the clock chimed 10:00, the doorbell rang.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Professor McGonagall with a thin smile as I opened the door.

"Absolutely," Hermione and I both said with a grin.

"Girls, before we leave, your mum and I have something for you," said dad.

Mum came from her bedroom, holding a cage with a beautiful tawny owl.

"She's gorgeous!" Hermione and I gushed together. I went over to the cage, and the owl affectionately nipped my finger.

"Owls are a form of communication in the wizarding world," mum explained. "You can use her to keep in touch with us. We expect weekly letters!"

"Does she have a name?" asked Hermione, also coming over to the cage.

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