Chapter 19 - Albus Dumbledore

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Minerva McGonagall's POV:

After Sydney had passed out, I had quickly levitated her through our obstacle protection course and conjured a broom for myself. There was no sign of Potter, Weasley, Granger, or Longbottom, and I hoped that they were alright. 

After casting a quick charm to ensure the three-headed dog would remain asleep, I flew up to the surface, still levitating Sydney carefully through the hole and out the door, discarding the broom before shutting the door and sealing it behind me. As I turned, I saw purple robes appear out of the corner of my vision, before the smiling face of Albus Dumbledore came into my sight.

"Albus, what on earth were you thinking?" I demanded furiously, setting Sydney gently on the ground. "You leave with no warning for so-called urgent business at the Ministry, and then take your time getting there and back. Meanwhile, Professor Quirrell - " I spat the name " - attempts to steal the Philosopher's Stone which you apparently decide is necessary to hide in a school of all places. Why?"

"Ah, Minerva, I was just doing what was best," beamed Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling. "I heard everything from Miss Granger. I'm sure that Harry and Sydney were marvelous in protecting the stone."

He pulled the gleaming red stone from his pocket and examined it for a moment before placing it back in his robes.

"They shouldn't have had to," I said, grinding my teeth in anger. "They are children for Merlin's sake."

"And yet you have been training a young Miss Dadzie for war," stated Dumbledore pointedly, looking at Sydney's body. "How else could she have fought off the troll and held off Voldemort?"

"Someone has to teach her to use her powers," I snapped. "She and Katarina both asked me. I was certainly not going to say no. And I'm not training her for war, I'm teaching her to understand and control her powers!"

"She is too young," insisted Dumbledore firmly. "I will teach her when she is ready."

"Like you did for Katarina?" I questioned. "There's a time I would have agreed with you, simply because you are Albus Dumbledore. But that time is gone. Sydney needs me."

"You will cease your training," said Dumbledore firmly. "This power is more than she can handle."

"She handles it quite well, Dumbledore," I snapped, lifting my wand and levitating Sydney again, before sweeping away towards the Hospital Wing.

* * * * *

Sydney's POV:

It felt as though I was trapped in the darkness. I could hear muted voices that whispered, spoke, and yelled, but they blurred together into a series of nothingness. I tried to will myself to move, even just my fingers, but found myself completely devoid of my strength.

* * * * *

Sunlight permeated my eyelids, and I wiggled my fingers, pleased to find that I could. I took a deep breath experimentally, feeling a sharp pain in my left side as I did so. I carefully pried open my eyes.

I was laying on a slightly uncomfortable bed, with a white sheet drawn up to my waist. Looking around, I saw that there were about a dozen beds, each with navy blue curtains surrounding them. I realized that this must be the Hospital Wing.

An older woman bustled towards me with a warm smile. She was wearing dark pink robes and a white cap.

"I'm Madam Pomfrey, the Healer at the school," she explained. "How are you feeling, Miss Granger?"

"Tired," I answered honestly, wracking my brains. "I'm confused. What exactly happened?"

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