Chapter 13 - Stories of War

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Sydney's POV:

As classes returned, I immediately caused a stir by choosing to use the pens, pencils, and notebooks that our parents had bought for Hermione and I over Christmas. Hermione was also tempted, but decided not to in fear of angering the professors.

Snape in particular seemed very displeased, claiming that it was a "disgrace to the name of magic", docking me ten points from Hufflepuff. Professor Sprout and Flitwick each seemed intrigued, having never seen a pen or pencil before. McGonagall gave me a stern look, but there was a slight smirk on her face as she did so.

The other muggle-born students, and some half-bloods who had been raised in the Muggle World began to follow my lead, and I began seeing even more pens, pencils, notebooks, and binders floating (sometimes literally) through the hallways. Many of the purebloods regarded us enviously - having to constantly dip a quill into ink was quite frustrating.

My roommates and I had another bonding night with Hannah's new board games. Meg, Zacharias and I had the chance to meet the Quidditch team: Cedric Diggory (third year Seeker), Michael McManus (fifth year beater), Heidi Macavoy (fifth year chaser), Tasmin Applebee (sixth year chaser), Alexi Longdow (fourth year chaser), Damian Ezra (sixth year keeper), and the captain: Maxine O'Flaherty (fifth year beater). The team was fairly strong, but hadn't won a Quidditch cup in a number of years. Maxine in particular was excited to talk to us about the possibility of trying out for Quidditch - not only did Hufflepuff have a full starting team, but also a full reserve team, in case there were any accidents.

The first week back flew by, and it was finally time for my first lesson with Professor McGonagall. I met her in her office promptly following dinner on Saturday. Hermione, Lexie, and Susan were especially intrigued to hear about what McGonagall would be teaching me.

"Good evening, Sydney," she greeted me as I entered her office. It was similar to Professor Sprout's office, but in the colours of red and blue, with black furniture. I sat down at the seat across from her desk.

McGonagall pulled out her wand and cast a few charms that I recognized as privacy wards on the door behind us, before regarding me from overtop her glasses.

"While we are in private, due to the relationship I had with your mother, you may call me Minerva," she allowed after a moment of silence. "I did my best to assist your mother with her training after she came into the power, particularly in becoming an Animagus and using the elements. She also was particularly apt at using wandless and non-verbal magic, and from what you told me of the troll, you are as well."

I nodded in agreement.

"In the letter from your mother, did she say anything about your other powers?" she asked curiously.

"She said that our first ancestor, Melinda had the ability to speak Parseltongue, was a Metamorphagus, and could use wandless and nonverbal magic, and create her own spells and potions," I said, pulling the letter from my robes and scanning it. "Apparently I have a heritage vault at Gringotts that chronicles everything. My mother could control the elements, and her mother had the ability to have premonitions. Mum also believed that my power was to shift into any animal that I wanted - apparently I used to do that as a child."

Minerva regarded me in shock.

"That's practically unheard of," she protested. "I could absolutely see you being an Animagus, like your mother was, but no one has ever been able to willfully turn into more than one animal."

"Willfully?" I asked, confused.

"In your sixth and seventh year, you will learn human transfiguration," she explained. "One can transfigure various body parts into those of an animal. That's typically a good way to learn to become an Animagus."

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