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Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a planet known as Krypton. The people of Krypton were very peaceful and resembled the humans from Earth, from looks to abilities. Despite being similar to humans, the kryptonians were technologically more advanced with their machines; they had flying cars, cures for their diseases, and spaceships that could be built within days. Kryptonians were what humans would be if they were almost perfect. However, obtaining the technology they have was obtained through their planet and that got the attention of The Great Diamond Authority. The Great Diamond Authority had complete control over every Gem and their race's endeavors. The GDA consisted of four diamond gems that ruled over their planet, Homeworld. Each Diamond was to be responsible for overseeing a specific part of Homeworld society. The Diamonds appeared to split Gems up into groups; some belonging to Yellow, others to Blue and more to White; there was a pink diamond until one day she mysteriously vanished. Gems wore a colored Diamond emblem on their outfit corresponding to the Diamond they served. How the GDA found out about Krypton was because of the gem spies that the kryptonians thought were just peaceful people, but soon regretted never doing anything once the gems attacked. All over the planet of Krypton, mysterious machines not familiar to the kryptonians were being forced into their planet, but were known as kindergartens to the gems. The establishment of a Kindergarten saps the life force from its surroundings. When a colony is completed with multiple Kindergartens established globally, organic life becomes extinct on that planet. However, just before the extinction of Krypton, a mother and a father are carrying their son to an escape pod they built few days ago prior to the invasion. As the father was placing the baby in the pod, the mother said

"I can't believe this all happened within days and knew about it all along. Why didn't we try to stop them?" The father was still focused on his son, but said back to the mother

"I'm not sure, my dear, but they won't get the best of us today. I regret not being able to make more than one pod in time, but I know that Von-Be must survive." The mother goes to the father's side to see her child; the son was asleep and strapped in. The mother was saddened to see her son about to leave her, so she said

"I can't believe it... our child will grow without us." As soon as the father was done with the pod and set the coordinates, he holds his wife and says

"I know... but he will continue our lineage... and when the time comes, maybe even stop this threat from attacking other worlds like ours." The mother looks up at her husband and asks

"Where are you sending him?" The pod prepares to take off and aim towards the ceiling window, then the father says

"A planet called Earth. The people there are peaceful and don't have technology like ours, so it won't make them a target for their resources. Everything Von-Be needs is in his pod, but I hope he finds someone like us to take care of him." As he finished his sentence, the father holds his wife's hand as he still holds her, and then the pod shoots out the ceiling window and to the sky. A yellow gem sees the pod fly towards space and asks her commanding officer

"Ma'am, one of kryptonians has made a last ditch effort to try and get one of their people off planet. Permission to shoot it down." The commanding officer spots the pod as the gem readies a laser canon, but says

"Permission denied. It's simply just one pod, it can't do us any real harm. The planet is what we need until it's use has been fulfilled." The pod flies out into space at great speed and towards the Earth. The pod has Von-Be go into hyper sleep to prevent him from getting hungry, thirsty, and needing changing, the reason for this is that it takes weeks for the pod to arrive to Earth. Once the pod was entering Earth's atmosphere, Von-Be exited hypersleep and it only felt like a few seconds for him. After a few minutes goes by, the pod is heading for a crash onto the beach. Meanwhile, a human with long brown hair and a pink haired woman wearing a pink dress are walking along the beach at night, the man was in the middle of a conversation as the pod closes in

"And then I said 'If every pork chop were perfect-'." The man is interrupted when the woman looks up at the sky and says

"Wait, Greg, what is that?" Greg looks up at the sky as well and they both watch the pod crash onto the beach, just 3/4 of a mile away from them. Greg looks at the woman and says

"Holy cow! Was that a meteor?" The woman looks at Greg with a smile and says

"Let's go find out!" The woman hurried over to the crash and Greg urgently follows, shouting

"Wait! Rose! We don't know if it could be dangerous!" Soon after, Rose approaches the crater and Greg arrives shortly after, heavily breathing. Rose almost walks into the crater, but Greg cautiously grabs her shoulder and says "W-Wait a sec. Rose, I know you're a Crystal Gem and all, but are you sure we should see what that is? I've seen a lot of bad horror movies that open this way." Rose laughs a bit and says

"I'll be fine, Greg. Trust me." Greg lets go of Rose and sees her slide down the crater to approach Von-Be's pod. When she got close, Rose opened the pod door and her eyes lit up as she saw a happy baby reaching out for her. Rose holds up the baby and climbs out of the crater as she tickles Von-Be's tummy. Greg notices and says

"Wha?! A baby? A baby was in that rocket?" Rose nods with a cheerful smile and says

"Mhm! Isn't he precious?" Rose looks at Greg in the eyes with a smile and says "Let's raise him!" Greg puts his hands on his face from shock and says

"But, Rose, don't we have a baby on the way already?!" Rose looks back at Von-Be and continues playing with him as she hold him and says playfully

"Aw, but he doesn't have anyone else." Rose looks back at Greg with a happy look in her eyes as she says "Besides, he has your hair color!" Greg looks at Von-Be and smiles a bit as he says

"Ok, yeah, he is pretty adorable." Greg moves closer to Rose to get closer to the baby and puts his finger out. Von-Be reaches out and holds Greg's finger, which makes Rose say

"See? He likes you!" Greg chuckles a bit as Von-Be squeezes on his finger, he says

"Heh, he has a good grip." Suddenly, Von-Be grips harder on Greg's finger and makes it pop, which made Greg pull back his finger saying "Ouch!" Greg shakes his finger "Very good grip!" Rose giggles from Greg's reaction and the two turn back from where they were walking from. Greg asks "So what will we do with the ship?" Rose, still looking at the baby, says

"We'll just come back for it later." Greg smirks and raises an eyebrow as he says

"By 'we' you mean...?" Rose looks at Greg with a smile again and said

"Yes, not you, just the other crystal gems." Greg looks at Von-Be and thinks for a moment before saying

"What name are you thinking of giving him? You know, besides Steven." Rose looks up for a moment and says

"Hmmm I'm thinking..."

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