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They would begin to plot my beheading if I remained quiet for much longer. If it wasn't already in motion.

Lifting my gaze, I peered around the room at the stoic faces, some dropping their heads as soon as I glanced their way. Despite the open windows and the clouds only partially blocking the sun's rays, the mood in the room was somber. The shadows of the high ceilings climbing down the dark wooden walls in the shape of gargoyles, their wings, the constant flickers of the flames mounted on the walls, casting a low light where the sun did not reach. Gleaming silver knights filled the back walls and blocked all entrances, their empty shells still as stone.

Woman covered in thick furs and dripping in jewels, hid behind a fan while their shrewd eyes gleamed brighter than the decorations they covered themselves in. The men standing tall within their ranks draped in fine clothes, and their family crests pinned to their chests. A badge of heredity honor to the unaware, a shield to those who knew better, and a sword to the unlucky. A sea of darkened capes, polished two-faced masks, frivolously used riches and envy.

I waved a hand uncaringly, motioning for the next one.

"Charged with sabotaging merchandise from Verenai Island upon the second inspection, and bribing crewmen into silence, misappropriation of the funds that were to be used for Verenai interactions. Bring in Calum Verzet."

At once, the grand door in front of me began to push open slowly, at once the wailing which had been muted before slipped and rang in throughout the room.

"Let me out! I don't want to be here! I repent, please, PLEASE! Anywhere but here, I wish to be trialed in Mision Court of Kelsey! I-I-I-"

As soon as the doors opened wide, his words ran dry as soon as his eyes trailed the beginning of the long red carpet that began where he stood chained from the hands, to where I sat upon my throne. At the sight of me, he lost what little color remained upon his face as blood pooled around his neck, coloring his chest red from where his collared white shirt opened. Fish like blue eyes shook widely as he took me in before his head dropped to his chest faster than he could blink, silent at once as the guard pushed from behind. He was averse to lift his feet, dragging them pain achingly slow as he advanced closer to being judged. When he got to the first step that led to me, he dropped to his knees with his forehead to the ground.

There was silence as the head of trade and distributed commerce shuffled around with documentation that held the proof of the accused crime and any further information on the criminal. Their crime, in this court, not being the main reason for them appearing here in the first place, was a simple added bonus. It was a moment before Allan walked up and bent down to whisper into my ear, halfway I nodded and he took a step back. I shook my head in disappointment.

I was a man who enjoyed quiet, but for a room so silent, it was awfully loud. Reluctantly, I looked down my nose.

"You disappoint me, Calum." I sighed, looking away from the miserable shivering sack below me. Ignoring all the people to my right, I stared out towards dawn. "Your family has served this kingdom for three generations, rising in ranks with each prospering negotiation between the south-eastern trading ports and now because of you..." I trailed off.

His breath hitched for a moment before his silence continued, but he couldn't quite hide the shaking of the chains around his wrists.

"To think someone of my very own kingdom would be so bold as to steal from funds used to prosper the people and then endanger negotiations with people of Verena Island by accusing them of sending faulty products. Those islanders are smaller than us, but provide priceless assets that represent their pride and a careful eye for detail. The worst people to pick for a scam, honestly." Shaking my head I tilted y head to the side and studied him. "Raise your face."

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