
38 5 0

October 2, 2019

I've memorised her entire schedule by now, she's always hiding underneath a hoodie. She eats behind the building, seats at the backseat of every single class I peeked in. As if she wasn't there, no one really noticed her presence, I still didn't know why her friends left her last year. I still see her group hanging out together, but she was never seen with them, it was like they became total strangers after the school break.

I've thought about asking them but I'm unsure of what to say, what would they think of me? Would they even tell me about the misunderstanding they had that caused this?

I fished out my phone, scrolling through my old feeds. I felt someone brush against my shoulder, followed with a small yelp. Instinctively, I turned around and grabbed the arm of the person.

For a moment, I recognised her hair, those brown long wavy locks tied in a messy tail. She didn't give any reaction to the catch, she didn't even turned around to thank me, she just shook off my hand hastily and continued walking.

"Eliza," I breathed out of shock, taking step towards her.

She stopped, her hand falling out of her pocket, she looked to her left, barely looking at me, "My bad," she said under her breath before walking away, I froze in place until she was out of my sight.

What the hell happened to her?

I brought my phone to my chest, dialing a number in my contact and bringing it to my ear, someone picked up, "Allison," I said through the phone, "can you give me the number of emm-- Katherine Wilson?"


The soft cafe music could be heard in the background as I brought the cold espresso to my lips, I sighed as I checked my read messages on my phone, she didn't give any reply, I don't think she's coming after all. Thinking about it, what girl would be sane enough to come to a cafe in an hour after a message from someone she didn't know at all.

I crossed my arms, maybe I should've just asked her at school.

A heard the door opened and I looked subconsciously, a girl in a jeans and t-shirt walked in, she had black hair and a red headband tied over her neck.

I raised a hand to signal her to come here and she sat down beside me, "You're Jaxon, right?"

"Yeah, sorry for calling you out so suddenly."

"It's fine,"

"You're not gonna order anything?"

"No," she shook her head, placing her bag on the table, "I want to make this quick, what did you want to talk about?"

Now that she really came, I didn't know what to say, "About Eliza," I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently, "What happened between you guys?"

"If this is about her, I have nothing to say."

"No, please." I leaned forward, in attempt to stop her from leaving, "Tell me."

She read my serious face and readjusted her seat, "Truth is, I don't know, none of us does."

"There must've been a reason--"

"Hell if I know, long story short, she didn't want to hang out with us anymore."

"Is there any leads? Any suspicion at all?"

"I'm sorry," she stood up, whipping her bag onto her back, "I can't help you, and you can't help her."

"Why?" I stumbled up in surprise, "Why not?"

"Because," she sighed, "none of us could, don't bother trying, she thinks of us as fools."

And just like that she left the cafe, I fell back into my seat, drinking the last of my coffee. Her words left a strong back-taste in my mouth, 'don't bother trying, she thinks of us as fools'

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