Bad Dream...Or Not

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But luckily, none of this was really happening—it was only a bad dream. Sofia was in bed, screaming loudly in her sleep. She opened her eyes and found herself in her bedroom, safe and sound. Her screaming had woken her animal friends.

"Hey, Sof, are you okay?" Clover asked.

"I think so," Sofia gulped.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Enter," Sofia called. Roland, Miranda, James, Amber, Violet, and Baileywick came running in.

"Sofia, what's wrong?" Roland asked.

"We heard you screaming, honey," Miranda chimed in.

Seeing her family safe and sound made Sofia really happy. She jumped into her father's arms and cried, "Mom! Dad! What a horrible dream! Queen Shuriki came to Enchancia to get revenge on me for her loss of power in Avalor. You all ended up like Princess Elena's parents, she stole my amulet, and she struck me down!"

"That's horrible," Miranda frowned.

"Yes, it is," Roland agreed, putting his daughter down. "But how many raspberry-cinnamon bon-bons did you eat before bed, young lady? You know they give you nightmares."

"Maybe one or two," Sofia gulped.

Miranda found a small box in the trash. The box usually contained the raspberry-cinnamon bon-bons. But when Miranda opened the box, it was empty. She showed the box to her daughter with a scolding smile.

"Okay, guilty as charged," Sofia smiled sheepishly. "I'm a piggy. That's it—no more raspberry-cinnamon bon-bons before bed." Her tummy started to feel funny from all those candies.

"Glad to know you feel that way," Roland smiled.

As Amber and James left the room, Violet brought in some medicine to make Sofia's tummy feel better.

"Thank you, Violet," Miranda smiled.

As Roland gave Sofia the medicine, he said, "You know, honey, you don't have to be afraid of your dreams. They're just pictures in your head."

"Yeah, I helped Hugo learn that lesson when he had that nightmare about dragons invading his kingdom," Sofia recalled.

"That's a good girl," Miranda smiled. "Well, you'd better get dressed—you have a playdate with Hugo today."

"Right," Sofia smiled.

After breakfast, Sofia was excited for her playdate with her best friend (and boyfriend) Prince Hugo. Amber was going to have a playdate with Princess Hildegard and James with Prince Zandar. Pretty soon, the three friends came.

"Hey, Sofie," Hugo smiled.

Amber and James each met up with their own friends. Sofia was happy to see Hugo, but when she saw Hildegard, her heart sank. Hildegard looked almost like Shuriki with her hairstyle and eye shape. Sofia tried to stay calm, but it wasn't easy.

"Hello, Sofia, about to have a playdate with Hugo again?" Hildegard asked.

Sofia couldn't stay calm any longer. She was so scared that she screamed loudly and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. This certainly surprised the other young royals.

"What has gotten into her?" Hildegard sniffed. "Is that any way to greet your sister's friend?"

"Is Sofia okay?" Hugo asked.

Before Amber or James could answer, the guards came running in with Roland. "Was that Sofia?"

"She ran off, Dad," James said.

"She seemed as though she'd seen a ghost," Hugo chimed in.

"I'd better see if she's all right," Roland declared.

"I'll come with you," Hugo offered.

While Amber and James went to play with their friends, Roland and Hugo went to go and find Sofia.

"If Sofia really did see a ghost, it must've been the spirit of Queen Shuriki," Roland surmised.

"Queen Shuriki? You mean the witch whom Sofia saved Avalor from?" Hugo asked.

"Yes, Sofia woke up from a nightmare this morning about Shuriki invading Enchancia," Roland said.

"Wow," Hugo frowned. He hoped Sofia was okay. He remembered having a bad dream that haunted him for almost two days.

Roland and Hugo saw that Sofia's bedroom door was open, so they entered her room. Sofia was nowhere to be seen. However, Hugo went up to Sofia's bed, which looked like it had a big lump. Hugo had a feeling that Sofia could be under the blankets, and he had an idea.

"Hello, Mr. Bed," Hugo joked. "My, what big pillows you have! I didn't know blankets had feet."

Sofia started to giggle at her boyfriend's silliness.

"I wonder if this blanket is ticklish," Hugo smirked. He tickled the blanket, and Sofia came out.

"Not funny, Hugo," giggled Sofia.

"Sorry, Sofie," Hugo chuckled. "Your father told me about your nightmare."

"It was horrible," Sofia frowned. "Shuriki took the lives of my family, and she stole my amulet, so it wouldn't save me. The minute I saw Hildegard, I realized that she looked just like her—except for the eye color."

"Aw, my poor Sofie," Hugo sighed, hugging Sofia tightly. "But do you remember when I had that bad dream about dragons invading my kingdom? You and Axel taught me that nightmares don't ever come true—they're just pictures in our heads."

Sofia remembered helping Hugo overcome his fear of dragons after he had that nightmare. "You're right," she nodded.

But Sofia and Hugo didn't know that Amber and Hildegard were standing right by the door, listening to the conversation.

"You freaked out because I look like the witch who invaded Avalor?" Hildegard spat.

"I'm sorry, Hildegard, but it was just because of a bad dream," Sofia apologized. "That's what I get for eating a box full of raspberry-cinnamon bon-bons before bed."

"You'll get over it," Hugo told her. "Now you should stop worrying so much because you should be having fun."

"You're right," Sofia nodded.

But meanwhile, in the kingdom of Avalor, Sofia's nightmare had come true. Elena and her friends and family had recently learned that Shuriki was really alive, and Fiero—a Malvago—and Victor and Carla Delgado (the worst thieves in Avalor) were working with her. Worst of all, Shuriki had gotten her hands on the Scepter of Night—the dark counterpart of the Scepter of Light—which meant that Avalor was really in danger now.

"What are you going to do, Elena?" Elena's younger sister, Isabel, asked. "Shuriki has the Scepter of Night, so there's a chance we'll lose everything—again."

"And the worst part is you don't have the Amulet on you—Sofia has it," Luisa pointed out.

"Actually, Abuela, the worst part is that Shuriki has the Scepter of Night," Elena sighed. "We're going to need more help than ever. We might even need Sofia herself to help us."

"But Enchancia is so far away," Chancellor Esteban told her. "It takes a long time to get there, so sending a message to the kingdom won't do any good."

Elena knew her cousin was right, but she felt like Sofia was the kingdom's only hope since she saved Avalor in the first place. But she knew that the Amulet would only bring her to Sofia if the little princess was in distress.

Sofia the First: Sofia's Shuriki SituationWhere stories live. Discover now