1. The night

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Hey Little magicians I hope you like this story. 

Please be nice as I may be mostly fluent but English is still not my first language. Thought I would love if you could correct me on words used wrong. 

The night was still and silent no bird moved no cricket made a sound. In the distance was a small two story house. Inside was a family. 

Quite normal right. A family of four where having some bonding time.

Except it was not normal at all, not only were these guys wizards and witches and the girl was not theres. 

No the girl was the daughter of Voldemort and  she was only a year old. She was stolen from her parents at the age of 2 mouth. Unlike the boy in the crib next to her she was not covered in plushies, she had no brand new crib and she defiantly was not surrounded by love and affection. 

This girl was called Grace

This quiet night was broken when a man creeped past the gate and down the path. He moved with the shadows. It was only when he reached the door that he made a sound. Muttering a word under his breath the door exploded.  Wood and splinter sprayed everywhere. 

Storming in he killed the man standing by the stairs in a simple wave of his wand. Then he marched up  the stairs quick. 

He blasted opened the next door revealing a red haired woman protecting to babies. He advanced on the woman. His wand at the ready. He pointed it at her. 

" Where is she, Mud blood " 

" please we don't know, please. "

At that moment the girl started to babble 

" Aboooo blufff gooo " 

Voldermorts headed whipped to stare at the sound taking one look at the child he yelled

" I knew it, Avada Kadavra " 

and the woman fell down dead not moving. 

Then he rushed to the girl and picked her up carefully out of the cot.  

" darling it me Daddy "

" Doda "

"Yes daddy. "

" Dado "  

" Yes little snake. I found you. Now remember daddy always loves you. No matter what happens. Take this." 

He put a locket around the small girls neck.

 "Now only me, you and anyone you let can see this locket ok. it is very special to daddy it is Slytherins locket.  I love you Snakelet. "  

The the man glanced at the dead woman. Just then a old man walked into the room and before Voldemort could even react the new man shot the killing curse at him. He had just enough time to put his Horcruxes in his daughter. Then as he was killed he cut Harry on the forehead. 

Dumbledore looked at the remains of the dark lord he glanced at the two children he noticed a bleeding cut on Harry forehead.  Smiling he took both children and put them in a basket. 

Dumb-as-a-door aperated to the Durselys. 

He placed the two children down with a note. Then left ringing the door bell once. 

Vernon opened the door to see two children on his doorstep

" Petunia. come. " 

Soon two adults were staring at these two one-year-olds.

Vernon picked up the letter, ripped it open and start to read it

Dear Durselys  

Due to Voldemort, Lily and James have unfortunately died. So we are leaving there two children with you there only living family. Harry you see was the one who defeated Voldemort and will, when older, be very very famous so treat him well. The other is Grace. We don't care about her do whatever you want with her. 


They looked at each other. Then Vernon spoke.

" We should treat Harry like our own so when he gets fame he will remember us. " 

" I agree Vernon how about her "

 " She can go under the stairs until she is older than she can do all the house and garden work. She can be a slave. "

" Quiet right dear. "

At that Grace was thrown into under the stairs and Harry in a cot next to Dudley.

And that is how Grace's life started.

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