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Draco and Grace looked up at the twins with questionable raised eyebrows till one spoke " Hi newbie's I am Fred and this is George," " and  we would like to hereby welcome you to Slytherin. " ended George.

Draco raised and eye-brow and looked at them with a mixture or surprise and disgust. " You two aren't Weasly's  you. "

The Twins looked down at Draco and produced a smile that the devil himself would be scared of. " Yes we were but when we both got Slytherin we were pretty much ignored. " The other one nodded gravely " Yes you see we have to even buy our own clothes". Draco scoffed the Weasley 

" So your family hates you so much because you got into a house that they pretty much disowned you. " The twins looked grave. " Yes, they hated Slytherin, thinks it is the house of evil." " and they also think that because of that we won't fight for Dumb-as a-old-door" The two first years glanced at each other. Then Fred smirked " and there Dam right we hate that old coot think he is stupid. " Draco and Grace were gasping " What " Draco yelped. " The twins nodded " We hated him ever since he talked about our parents disowning us for getting the dark house. "

" Wow even my parents wouldn't do anything like that if I got another house. " Draco whispered

" Well were use to it, We have always been different and knew it so it dosen't really matter. "

" Plus we love Slytherin so we are fine. So see you round first years. " then with that the two gingers in silver and green robes disappeared to talk to other housemates.

"That was interesting " Grace said fiddling with her locket softly. " But I think I will like them. "

" Yay I agree though how do we know they aren't spies " Draco said softly as they both whispered. " We don't but they sound like they are telling the truth and if they are i want them as I know what they have been through. " 

Draco nodded " we will keep an eye on them. "

" Yes we will "

-time skip- 

When they had finished dinner they had been taken to the common rooms by the year five prefects. When they got to the portrait of Salazar Slytherin. The girl turned around " Ok so everyone the password is " Snakes " and it will be changed every week. "  

Grace scoffed " You know I am surprised no one have broken in to our common room. I mean really snakes, what are the Gryffindors 'lion' " Draco was nodding 

" Well" said the male prefect " if your finished talk we can start the rules. "

Everyone fell silence. " Ok first one is no fighting out side of the common rooms. If you have a problem set it out in here outside we are pretty much hated by everyone so we need to stick together. Second is don't fail we are known for being smart and cunning so keep ahead in your studies and last of all the new password will be on the board in the common room every Monday you don't check you don't get in got it.  Now go to bed. " 

with that the two older kids left leaving the and the first year were left to find it out for then self. While everyone else was looking round at the corridors and everything Grace and Draco went back to the portrait of Salazar. 

" Hello sir "

The portrait turned to her and looked her over. " I see you are one of my new Slytherins girl. " 

Grace nodded still with a emotionless look. " Yes sir my name is Grace Riddle, i am a first year Slytherin and your ancestor. Salazar raised an eye-brow " Riddle you say as in Tom Riddle. " " Yes sir he is my father. " the the Portrait smiled slightly " Then please Grace call me grandfather I made you father do the same thing. " 

Grace blushed slightly " Thank you Grandfather, I promise to make you proud. "

I am sure you will Grace. Nw who is the boy behind you. "

Draco walked up slowly and bowed slowly " My name id Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. I am your granddaughters best-friend. Also first year Slytherin, it is an honer to be in your house " Salazar looked over him for second before nodded.  Then he smiled slightly " Hello Boy I am glad that Grace has chosen good. " He smiled softly " Now both of you go to bed before you get in trouble. I don't want you two to get a detention on the first day do you. "  Both nodded and quickly rushed to there rooms but not before hugging goodnight to each other. "

Back in the corridor Slytherin was frowning " She look so broken way more than her father. What has she been through. I don't even want to know. " he then looked thoughtful " Then there is the the necklace. My Necklace. I wonder why she has that.  It definitely is a horcruxes it magic is so strong even in portrait for I can feel it. But why give it to her it would be so easy to steal. I man it just there around her neck. Unless. ' He looked like he had just had idea " He has a concealment spell of corse since I am just a portrait I couldn't detect it. yes that must be it. "

With that it he left his frame to talk to some others. and in the Slytherin girls dorm Grace was still up fiddling with her necklace like she usually did when she couldn't sleep. Athena was curled up in her heated stone Grace had brought with her. Slytherins were lucky unlike the other houses each person got there own room so Grace was able to put silencing wards and spells like that in case she had a night. She finally lay down but not before whispering " Jut you wait Potter i'll make sure you will never ever get power again. I PROMISE YOU " 

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