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Sorry this will be a little shorter 


As we stood in front of the sorting hat I looked around there was a girl with bushy hair reciting fact to anyone who would listen. Pff I already didn't like her. I hate 'know it all' who think They are better than everyone else. Anyway as we were lead down the middle the Brown worn tattered hat and then it began to started to sing. I was not surprised I had read about it. It was Godric Gryffindor hat which he had bewitched to have the ability to evenly and perfectly sort each student. So they would fit in the house like family.  So as it started to sing I just stood quietly and listen. Draco on the other hand looked quite board but on glare made him stand stiff. 

Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achieve their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!

Everyone seemed to clap quietly and the other first years ( Draco and I not included ) seemed to find it amazing. I mean I don't really get why. It's a magic world of course it will have magical hats. As everyone quieted down Professor McGonagall started to read out names. I didn't really listen till Draco.

Abbott, Hannah~ Hufflepuff

Bones, Susan~Hufflepuff

Boot, Trevor~Ravenclaw
Brocklehurst, Mandy~Ravenclaw
Brown, Lavender~ Gryffindor
Bulstrode, Millicent~ Slytherin
Crabbe, Vincent ~ Slytherin
Entwhistle, Kevin ~ Ravenclaw
Finch-Fletchley, Justin ~ Hufflepuff
Finnigan, Seamus ~Gryffindor
Goldstein, Anthony~ Hufflepuff
Goyle, Gregory ~ Slytherin
Granger, Hermione 

So there she was The no it all Granger I don't recognise the name so I can only guess that she is  a Mudblood. She got Gryffindor which I was quite surprised as she looked like a book nerd. O well. 

Greengrass, Queenie ~ Slytherin
Hopkins, Wayne ~ Hufflepuff
Jones, Megan ~ Hufflepuff
Li, Su ~ Ravenclaw
Longbottom, Neville 

A cubby Shaking boy stepped up to the stool and the hat was placed on him. The hat seemed to want to take it's time. It seemed to be every second longer the hat took and the more eyes watching the more frightened Neville got. Though I wanted to call him a wimp something intrigued me about him. I don't know why. Finally the Hat yelled out " Ravenclaw ". Though the boy seemed relieved he also looked disappointed.  Well Neville you are stuck with that. Then the next person was called.

MacDougal, Isobel ~ Ravenclaw
Malfoy, Draco 

Finally. Draco gave me one look and then marched confidently on to the platform and before the hat had even been fully been put on his head it yelled " Slytherin ".  Draco hopped up at once and almost skipped over to the table and sat net to Crabbe and Goyle. Why that smug bastard. He had the biggest smile/smirk I have ever seen on his face. 

Then it continued.

Moon, Lily ~  Gryffindor

Nott, Theodore ~ Slytherin
Parkinson, Pansy ~ Slytherin
Patel, Madhari ~ Ravenclaw
Patel, Mati ~ Gryffindor
Perks, Sally-Anne ~Hufflepuff
Potter, Harry

There he is. My stupid, abusive idiotic housemate. I already knew what house he was going to be in. Though I had nothing against this house yet It was obvious what the hat would pick. He was not smart one little bit, he was not kind hence the bruises and he is not cunning nor ambitions so the only other one would be  " Gryffindor "  Called it  

Rivers, Oliver ~ Hufflepuff

 Riddle, Grace

The room went silent as I strode up. I didn't really care what they thought. I felt Potty's eyes on my back from the Gryffindor table but I ignored him I was still around 5 meters away from the hat when it yelled " Slytherin but I would like to speck with her. " I ignore everyone as now there is not one person that is not looking at me. As I sat on the stool the hat was placed on my head " " Good evening Hat " I Respectfully acknowledge in my head as its not like I would like everyone to hear my conversation. " Grace nice to meet you I just wanted to say that it is customary for me to tell the heir of Slytherin that the chamber is the girls bathroom on the second floor in there is  the ancient basilisk. Thought I hate to tell people this I have to. " " Thank you Hat I will use this information wisely. " then I grabbed the Hat, placed it in the professors hands and walked over to the Slytherin Table next to Draco. We nodded softly at each other.  
Roper, Sophie ~ Gryffindor
Smith, Sally ~ Ravenclaw
Turpin, Lisa ~ Hufflepuff
Weasley, Ronald 

This boy was the one that seemed to hang around Horrible Potty like a magnet. I knew these type of people they used other people for there fame. I didn't like him. I had never meet this idiot but I didn't like him. Anyway he got Gryffindor like I expected. After him there was only one person left. 
Zabini, Blaise~ Slytherin.

And with that Dumbledick said his speech. I didn't really want to listen to any of it But I caught the main points. Third corridor forbidden unless you want to die a painful death. ( Thought I think saying that is stupid I mean you say don't to a room full of teenager. Of course the first thing they want to do is go there Idiot. ) The forbidden forest is forbidden. Duh. And something about quidditch trials. 

Then the feast started. There was so much food. I had to remind myself that I could actually eat this stuff. When Draco and I started eat I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder there was also one on Draco's. When we turned around we were meet with the sight of identical ginger haired twins in the Slytherin robes.  

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